Here's Fr. Mark Goring's latest video. It's worth watching to know that sin can cost us and purgatory exists. Our lifetime is relatively short, but we do have our whole lifetime to turn to God to avoid eternal condemnation, and that's enough time. [Dear Readers: As I won't be able to blog for the next eight days, I'll resume blogging most likely on July 4. God bless you all abundantly.]
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
**What Should Matter to Us
We are easily bothered by ordinary events such as some old thing around the house finally stopping to work or some new thing we just bought turning out to be defective. Shouldn't we be more concerned about how mankind is falling fast and further away from God that they are near the brink of losing their souls? Yes, for we should let what matters to God the most matter to us the most too.
*What Matters and What Don't
I've mentioned that once you are in heaven, your past life on earth, how you fared, how you died, and everything else will be forgotten. What only matters then will be the presence of the Lord.
***Approaching God Directly
People wish to know God more, so they read a lot of books, attend conferences, go on retreats, seek out spiritual directors, say the many already formed prayers, etc. Yet God is the closest being to all of us – he can even enter our hearts and completely transform us! So take the fast track: approach God directly, open yourself up to let him see what's in your heart in order to hear from him firsthand. Attain union with him and you'll know that he dwells within you. God is ever ready to connect with you. Trying to approach him indirectly is basically foot-dragging.
*Faithful Living Without Anxiety
Today's Gospel reading from Luke tells the birth of John the Baptist. As you know, Zechariah, the father of John, was made speechless for not believing the words of the angel Gabriel when he announced to him that his wife Elizabeth would bear him a son, to be named John. After John was born, the neighbors and relatives made signs, asking the father what he wished the child to be called. Zechariah asked for a tablet and wrote, "John is his name." Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God. My thoughts are that God has his perfect timing and we must always trust in him fully with patience. This is living faithfully without anxiety.
**We Are Wonderfully Made*
Today's response, Psalm 139.14: I praise you, for I am wonderfully made. We are indeed wonderfully made by God. What an ingenious creation! We can do, and experience and enjoy so many things. We can even attain union with our creator and be made fit for entering heaven! God is wonderful and has made us wonderful. See this and rejoice. Feeling sorry for or being unhappy with yourself amounts to telling the Lord that he has done a crummy job in making you.
**Our Clear Role
Today is Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The entrance antiphon from John 1 and Luke 1 reads: A man was sent from God, whose name was John. He came to testify to the light to prepare a people fit for the Lord. I see clearly our role is to testify to Jesus to prepare whomever we come into contact for his Second Coming.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
**Stray Generation
God does not judge us before we die, for he wants to give us as much time as possible to repent and return to him. Even at judgment time, he would take into consideration our intention behind everything we did. By sharp contrast, corrupt politicians today create false evidence, put out fake stories, make false charges, etc., with the sole intention of taking down some opposition leader they dislike. How far can you possibly stray away from God! What we urgently need is to examine our conscience and repent as a nation. It would be nice to have a national repentance day created.
*Perfect Joy and Contentment
Communion experience. You can have all the pleasures you can get out of the world. For me, to die to live in God's love is perfect joy and contentment.
***Our Greatest Reward
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. I know that God has chosen me from the very beginning, put me on the path to salvation, and shields me with his love on my entire journey. Through receiving his most holy Body and Blood, he has brought me to union with him. There is no greater love or reward for us than the Lord himself!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
***How to Stop Worrying
In the same Gospel reading from Matthew 6 today, Jesus told his disciples not to worry about life, what to ear or drink, about the body, what to wear, or about tomorrow. He came up with many good reasons. You can truly eliminate worrying by seeking to attain union with God and become inseparable from him. Then you'll know that you are going to live in heaven for all eternity and nothing is worth worrying about anymore.
Serving God Alone
The Gospel reading came from Matthew 6. Jesus said to his disciples, "No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." I see that when we serve God, we must serve only him and no one or nothing else, for only he deserves the utmost attention and devotion from all his creatures.
*Constraints and Weaknesses*
Today's first reading came from 2 Corinthians 12. Three times Paul begged the Lord to remove a thorn in the flesh that had been given to him, but the Lord said to him, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." This is a powerful, profound statement. It's when we acknowledge our weaknesses that God enters to make us strong. The Lord surely will not help those who think they are strong and do not need his help. And if God's grace is sufficient for us, then we truly have nothing to complain about. Anyone who is not satisfied with God will surely not be satisfied with anything else and remain unhappy.
***All Depends on Our Choice!
When you obey God, you do it out of your own volition and the Lord never tries to take control of you. Again, if you have submitted yourself to him, you are free to leave him at any time. In other words, the Lord God absolutely respects your free will. So it's all up to us to choose to go to heaven or be be separated from God our Father forever.
Friday, June 21, 2019
*Better than Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale is best known for his book The Power of Positive Thinking. It first came out in 1952, became an international best seller and is still popular today. I did read the book and agree that positive thinking can help you succeed in carrying out your ambitions and hopes, but the author focuses a lot upon one's self. I believe that the superior approach is to put your trust entirely in God and you don't even need to be concerned about yourself. I am speaking of total abandonment in God.
**Big Realizations
(1) Jesus is the one before whom every knee shall bend and beg for mercy!
(2) Jesus is the only one who can free us from our self-imprisonment!
Holy Spirit Our Prompter
Whenever your ego motivates you to do something, you may feel good momentarily, but you will not experience true peace in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit prompt you to do everything, and you'll feel good and also experience peace. So get to know the Holy Spirit well first.
*State of the Soul
Have you ever opened yourself up to let God reveal the state of your soul to you yet? When you submit yourself to him, you are letting him in to reveal himself to you and to help you understand yourself. This is something everyone of us should do before we die. When you see your own soul in God's light, it's time to ask for its healing. Once the soul is made whole, you are ready to live your Christian life to the fullest.
*Wise Declarations to Follow
In today's Gospel's reading from Matthew 19, Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." This is what we need to hear and heed, for we are completely immersed in living on earth and hardly ponder heaven. How about starting out by giving your heart to the Lord? Then he will surely make you understand all his wise counsels.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
***Featuring the One and Only God
Communion time realization. Christianity is unique in this way. God came to us in person to demonstrate his love for us and to show us how we can be saved forever. Then we can attain union with him, with him residing within us and with us knowing him most intimately. He is for all, yet he also becomes our most personal God.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
**Living Secretly in God
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus taught the people about almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Essentially, we are to give alms, pray, and fast in secret, without any intention to make others notice you. It comes down to that we should do everything for God and not for our own ego. Recognize also the reality that each of us is on his or her own in this universe. When we face the Lord at judgment time, we shall be there alone and all issues will be resolved between us and God. It should be clear that only what we do for God will matter. Therefore, start living for God in secret. By the way, such selfless living will definitely bring you joy and peace.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
**How Good Is Your Life?
There are people who lament that they do not have a good life. They feel sorry for themselves or complain that life is not fair. Here are my thoughts. If you know that you are returning to God, then you should feel good about your life, for it is your very path to heaven. If you are heading towards hell, then no matter how good you think you life is, it has to be horrible living.
*Most Personal Bonding
Communion experience. I actually received the body of my God. Talk about bonding!
***To Have Life Forever!
To be alive for a limited time definitely cannot be considered as having life. To me, to have truly life is to exist in happiness and contentment forever. Is this even possible? I can answer yes with great joy, for Christ has come to us two thousand years ago to tell us that he is the life and whoever believes in him shall have eternal life! The best part of this is that we'll be happy not just for a century or even a million years, but forever without end, as the God of Christ lives forever without end. Obviously, becoming one with him will without doubt make you live forever.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Joy of Hearing from God
When God speaks to your heart, it is such a heavenly joy, for you are assured that he is with you, you are with him, he cares for you, and you belong to him.
To Live Without Anxiety
Jesus spoke to his disciples and crowds, taught them many things, performed great miracles before them, etc., and he never ever showed anxiety. He suffered greatly, but always remained in peace. He advised all not to be anxious about anything. By trusting in him and becoming one with him, we can also live without anxiety.
God's Peace and Joy
The peace and joy we receive from God are beyond human understanding, for they are deposited in our hearts directly by the Lord.
***Secret of Spiritual Attainment
When we abandon ourselves totally in God, God totally accomplishes all things through us. Again, it comes down to us letting God be our God, with us staying completely out of his way. This is the secret of attaining rapid spiritual growth.
**Desiring What God Desires
John 17.20-21: I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us. Here, Jesus prays that we may be one with him and the Father. So if we desire union with God, coinciding with his desire, you can bet that wonderful things shall happen to us within our hearts.
**Key to Preserving Inner Peace
Anytime we play God, it is certain that we will lose our inner peace. For example, we judge someone and we get upset, forgetting that God is the only one who is qualified to judge us. If we truly love God, we will surrender ourselves to him to let him truly be our Lord. Then nothing will be able to rob us of our inner peace anymore.
***How God Makes Us Anew
Today's first thoughts before Mass began. We should think right, speak right, and do our deeds right, then we shall have inner peace. But how do we get there? The Lord showed me that the heart, the brain, and the mouth, apart from the soul, are the operating parts. To start, we must let our soul be healed and made whole – precisely what we ask for before receiving the Lord in the Holy Eucharist and what he grants when we receive this Most Blessed Sacrament. Once the soul is made whole, God can start purifying the heart to take care of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Very cool to see this. You are now made anew from the inside out. During the process, you get to know the Lord most intimately. Such a great joy to let him transform us!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
**Glory to Our God!
Today is the Solemnity 0f the Most Holy Trinity. We have God the Father who created us and loves us to death. We have God the Son who is our brother, our friend, and our Savior. And we have God the Holy Spirit who teaches us, guides us, and shields us from all evil. We have the perfect Triune God. Hallelujah!
**Recognizing Our Predicament
While I was exercising on a tread mill at local gym early this morning, around a dozen or so TV sets were turned on throughout the extensive space. Today being Sunday, there was a preacher preaching to a group of people on one screen, but you must be careful nowadays, for many preachers present their own views, often in disagreement with other preachers. Anyway, all the other secular shows, including commercials on screen, served to draw our attention away from God. Today the academia are mostly secular too. Then Hollywood and the entertainment industries couldn't be further away from God. As for the many politicians today, they are plain anti-God. This world is filled with those in cahoots with Satan, placing all souls, their own included, in great jeopardy. Of course, there is always hope – all it takes is to believe in and follow Jesus, our Savior. But with us full of pride, we become our own stumbling block. I hope that recognizing our predicament can help us overcome ourselves to get on the path of salvation.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
***Is Everything God Has Ours?
In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the father consoles the unhappy older son, saying to him, "Everything I have is yours." Is everything our heavenly Father has ours too? Well, we and Jesus share the same Father and the same mother. Then we seek and attain union with God and become one with him. If we possess him, then, of course, we also possess everything he has. Can you imagine that the Lord God who died for us will not let us enjoy freely everything he has after we get to heaven? I can't.
Be Genuine Before God
In today's Gospel reading from Matthews 5, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes," and your 'No" mean 'No.' Anything more is from the Evil One." It is clear that we must always mean what we say. God does not like hypocrites and phonies. And you'll sleep better too being genuine.
State of Mankind
Here's a mental image that came to me during Mass this morning. I see billions of people in God's presence. A relatively small number of people choose to remain with the Lord, not going anywhere. Another larger group are sticking around, but they stay some distance away. A much larger group sit on the borderline, for they still do not know which way to go yet, while idling away their time. Perhaps forming the largest group are those who are walking away from God, not aware that they are heading toward a precipice. Pray hard so that all will turn back to God.
Friday, June 14, 2019
**Caution, if Your Talk Too Much
When I talk to others freely, I'd like to share what's edifying, good, and interesting. Nevertheless, there were times I sensed ever so slightly that what came out of my mouth was prompted by the ego. This happened when I tried to talk too much. The lesson learned: Do not talk too much. Always listen to the Holy Spirit. When you try to talk too much, it's usually your ego prompting you to draw more attention to yourself.
***Meeting God's High Standards
Attended Mass this morning and the entrance antiphon from Psalm 27 reads: The Lord is my light and . . . – echoing what I posted earlier this morning. In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 5, Jesus laid down some high (strict) standards. I am going to quote partially what he said to his disciples, "Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery." "Wow" might be our reaction, so how can we meet the Lord's expectations? Simple! On our own, we can't, but with his help it'll be no sweat, as nothing is impossible for him. The only "catch" is that we must let him take full control of us to bring about our full transformation. As I see it, this is not a price to pay but a privilege to gain, for our reward will be great in both this life and the life to come!
**Our Transforming Light
Summer is almost here and the days are getting longer. Before 6 AM this morning, sunlight already shone through my bedroom window (I have no drapes or blinds on all my windows), casting various shadows on the white walls – the room just became cheerful and spirited! And I thought of the light of Christ. When we bask in it, we can become cheerful and spirited too, for the Lord is the only one who can fundamentally transform us.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Good Sign of Humility
We offer to pray for others, but less often ask others to pray for us. Asking for others to pray for us shows that we are humble enough to let them know that we need God's help, a good sign. Anyone who does not believe that he needs God's help is barring himself from entering the kingdom of heaven.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
**Dark Days for the Church*
Yesterday I posted the blog "Dark Days for Christians" because Christians are being persecuted worldwide. Today I see a second reason or cause – evil has infiltrated the Church, weakening her to the point that we no longer hear clear, bold messages coming from her when we need to hear them the most. She is so busy covering up the many dark deeds when she should go all out to battle evil. The days of purification will come and the time to follow the Lord closely is now, more urgent than ever. God is calling us to abandon ourselves to him and to make reparation for the world. Wake up and fight for the Lord, while we go through the dark night.
***Most Urgent Messages
Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries has been an inspired speaker to me since the time I was actively involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement in the 1970s. He is also the author of the book on union with God entitled The Fulfillment of All Desire. I came across these two recently posted talks of his on Fatima. We need to hear these urgent messages at this time. Both talks last a little over 22 minutes and Ralph starts each talk at 1:57. If you only have time to watch one, I would recommend watching the second one "An Urgent Warning."
***The Great Liberation
Open yourself up to God completely and ask him to overwhelm you with his sweet and selfless love and you will experience the greatest liberation and consolation. Abandon yourself to God and he cannot refuse to take you in.
***The Great Obedience
We have the Great Depression, the Great Famine, the Great Wall, the Great Migration, and even the Great Houdini. I'd like to nominate obedience to God as the Great Obedience, as it is our ultimate challenge that can set our soul and spirit free forever!
*Receiving the Best from God
God always wants the best for us, but what we experience may make us think that we deserve something better. We must realize the following: What God wants for us is what's best for us overall spiritually, for his intention is to lead us to heaven. In our imperfect sinful world, we cannot always experience what we hope for – not until we have entered heaven. Be patient and faithful for a short time now to reap great joy later forever!
*Having Only Yourself to Blame
John 3.17: God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. So if we reject God's good offer, we end up getting ourselves condemned. Be blameless or you'll have only yourself to blame.
More of Our Shortcomings
We don't hear God speaking to us because we don't wish to hear from him or to seek his advice. We don't understand God because we are closed to letting him enlighten us.
*Our Shortcoming
From today's entrance antiphon taken from Psalm 27: The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; whom should I dread? It is true in theory that if we have the Lord, we shall fear nothing. But in practice, we are still afraid of many things because we fall short of abandoning ourselves entirely to God.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
**Dark Days for Christians
Christians are experiencing worldwide persecution, even in basically Christian countries. Here is a recent example that came out of Canada. The liberal news media do not report such stories. We are in our last days!
Flesh vs. Spirit
How much are you living in the flesh and how much in the spirit? 50-50, 49-51 or even 1-99 is not good enough. We need to live 100% in the spirit! Hence, seek union with God to live in the Holy Spirit.
*You Matter to God
You matter a lot to God. Everything you do matters to him, because it affects you whom he loves.
**We Have Heard from God!
From John 15.15, today's Communion antiphon: I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father, says the Lord to his disciples. Since we have heard from Jesus, we have heard from the Father. In short, we have heard from God, everything we need to know. Time to rejoice and celebrate!
Brief Guide to Living the Christian Life
Today we celebrated the Memorial of St. Barnabas, Apostle. The Gospel reading was Matthew 10.7-13 on Jesus' commissioning of the Twelve. Rather than quoting the verses, I'll just summarize by saying that Jesus instructed the Apostles to (1) proclaim the Kingdom of heaven at hand, (2) do the works of mercy, (3) travel light, not taking any money nor supplies, and (4) look for a worthy person and stay there, letting their peace come upon the house. Verse 14 was not in the reading, and it reads: "Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words – go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet."
These instructions also make a good guide for us. That is, we should (1) spread the good news of salvation every chance we have, (2) love all our neighbors, (3) be detached from material things, and (4) based upon verse 14, let God, not us, take care of those who would not follow him – this may seem heartless on our part, but we must place our trust in God the most.
**On Accepting Oneself
It is important to know and accept who you are and what you are. Never compare yourself with anyone else and imitate the Lord Jesus only. To ensure your own happiness, reconcile yourself to yourself and to God first. Whether you are strong or weak, it is not relevant, for God often choose the weak to make strong. He can use you as you are and mold you into the right one to serve him according to his will.
Monday, June 10, 2019
**Our Most Satisfying Bond
Shuan Hern Lee of Australia, age 16, just won the First Prize at the Cliburn International Junior Piano Competition in Dallas, Texas. Both his parents are pianists. Their dedicated support of their talented son over the years has contributed to his success. You can see the close, loving relationship between the young pianist and his father in this old video made when he was 8. I post this video to show how common interest in something like music can strengthen the bond between a parent and his child. Of course, the greatest bond between two people is formed when both love God equally and share this love with each other. This goes beyond family relationship and any affinity at the physical, emotional, or intellectual level. Short of finding such an ideal person to bond with, we really only need to seek union with God to enjoy the most satisfying bond we can ever have!
**God Our Only Candidate . . .*
Communion time thoughts. To become one with someone, that person has to be God. For it is impossible to attain union with anyone else, as no two persons can be completely compatible. I suppose if both of them are in union with God, then it follows that they are in union with each other too. But still your firsthand union with God would be more perfect. Union with God is possible because God is able to transform you to make you compatible with him. By the same token, I can say that God is the only one who can truly be our soulmate.
**Praying for Ourselves First
We pray to God constantly for our government leaders, the Holy Father and our bishops, our own communities, world peace, those who are sick or need help, etc. Yet what is lacking and needed is asking God to draw us close to him to make us holy. Perhaps it's because looking at problems around us is so much easier than looking at ourselves. Yet peace in the world must start with each one of us, for if we all become holy, there will be peace within and also without us. So let us pray for ourselves first before praying for others. Otherwise, we may appear to be somewhat hypocritical.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
***Most Loving Spirit
Communion experience. Evil spirits take full possession of one's faculties and will, but the Holy Spirit simply unites with us in God's love. This is the Spirit in whom I can live and die at the same time, for he forever renews me.
***Glory Be to the Holy Spirit!
On this Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to us who follow the Lord. The Spirit is gentle and meek, yet most powerful, for he can do anything without us, and make us anew if we open up to him. He is our greatest teacher, revealing God's ways and thoughts to us. Being receptive is the key to experiencing him. Then you will know that he truly dwells within you, guiding you every single moment. It's in submitting to the Spirit that you get to taste the sweet peace of the Lord and the joy of heaven. By the way, he is instrumental in bringing about our union with God. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, our constant companion!
Saturday, June 8, 2019
**Two Big Words
The Gospels show that Jesus said to all his disciples: "Follow me." "Three Little Words" was a very popular song that came out in 1930 and those words are "I love you." Here Jesus' two words can absolutely change our lives! It'll be too long to list all the benefits you get, but I'll just say that following Jesus will, in the abstract, set you free, and in the concrete, lead you straight to heaven.
How God Relates to Us
Today's Gospel reading came from John 21. John referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He's also the one who reclined upon Jesus' chest during the Last Supper. I know that Jesus loves me also and can consider myself as a disciple whom Jesus blesses abundantly. It would be interesting to consider how the Lord specifically relates himself to every one of us.
Friday, June 7, 2019
**Greatest Revelation*
Aside from putting God's plan of salvation into effect, Jesus came into the world to demonstrate how great his love is for us. That God can love us so much has to be our greatest revelation!
Readied for Restoration
During the liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass, we all pray the Lord's Prayer before the breaking of the bread. This morning when I prayed that from my heart, I felt that God reset everything about me that had been misshapen or was out of place, my mental attitudes included. Then I was ready to receive the Lord in the Eucharist to be healed and made whole.
***Means to Holiness
Tell someone to be holy and he wouldn't know what to do. Tell him to seek union with God and he will be holy.
Following Whom You Love
In today's Gospel reading from John 21, Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Peter's answer was yes each time. And Jesus said to him, "Follow me." So, if we love Jesus, we must follow him. If we don't follow him, then we really do not love him.
**The One to Turn To
He is the God of Christ. Here's why. He created us. He knows us and loves us. He can heal our soul. No one else can save us from sin. All things are possible with him. Let's face it: without him, we are basically alone, helpless, and lost.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
**Only One to Live For
Without God, we look for whatever we can live for. In the worst cases, we become addicted to impure worldly pleasures. Then there are those who live for the work they happen to enjoy. Artists live for their arts such as painting and music. In all cases, when their life is over, there'll be nothing left for them to live for. If they had tasted God, they would have found that he's the one to live for, as the joy of knowing God intimately, far above the level of any temporary satisfaction you can find in the world, is the ultimate fulfillment beyond our understanding. When your life is over, you'll still have God to enjoy forever. This is how he has made us, so don't fight it.
Big Load off My Shoulder
At the breaking of the bread today, as usual I heard the priest proclaim: "Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world . . ." I was hit by the realization that this huge problem of mine has been solved by God – the problem of what to do with my sins.
***God's Most Ardent Desire***
In this morning's Gospel reading from John 17, Jesus prayed saying, "I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us," and "Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I am they also may be with me."
We now realize that we who believe in Jesus are God's gift to him, to whom God has entrusted us! God forbid that we should ever think that we are nobody and that the Lord doesn't care about us. This is confirmed by the fact that Jesus again prayed that we be one with him and the Father. Why isn't there much talk about seeking union with God today? We must not ignore this most ardent desire of our Lord, but embrace it with all our heart and soul! (I still highly recommend reading the book He and I by Gabrielle Bossis.)
*Meet the Soul Specialist
I see so many people live without inner peace, for they are greatly affected by the usual things that happen to many of us. I realize that we are simply not taking full advantage of the Lord God who can turn each one of us into a mentally healthiest person! There are countless physicians and psychiatrists in the world, but there is only one who can deal with our soul in the entire universe, our God. Have him heal your soul, and your heart and mind would be made well as well.
**Do Be at Ease with God
It is a common fear to believe that if you listen to God, he might make you do things against your will. This kind of fear or uneasiness is all caused by misunderstanding. You see, God already knows all about you, your strengths and weaknesses, your temperament, your personality . . . your everything! After all, he created you. So he will never want you to handle anything beyond your capability or readiness, for he knows what best suits you. Normally, he teaches you, nurtures you, and in time shows you the way to serve him. It can be a pleasant surprise, not what you would have expected, but he knows now you are ready. Therefore, trust in him always without fear!
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Avoid Dying in Sin
Never die in sin, that is, never die with sins still unremoved. To die when we are committing a sin is also embarrassing, to say the least. Remedies: (1) get your sins absolved as soon as possible and (2) do not sin in the first place. Sound advice: seek union with God to remove your tendency to sin.
Private Joy in God
Communion experience. Realizing my absolute security in the Lord, I couldn't help smiling a little bit.
*Better than a Grain of Wheat
Today's Communion antiphon was John 12.24. Jesus said, "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit." Aren't we all better than a grain of wheat? When we let our old self die in Christ, he will surely make us anew to become abundantly fruitful. As nothing is impossible with God, never limit him or yourself!
***Breaking Through to God!
In today's Gospel reading from John 17, Jesus prayed to the Father for his disciples, "Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one" and "Consecrate them in the truth. I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth." Here Jesus shows his desire for us to be in union with him and the Father, and that we need to have God consecrate us. It all comes down to offering ourselves up to God – the ultimate move we need to make to break free from the world to belong to God.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
**Preparing for Meeting God
I believe that when God judges us, he would first see how much time and effort we devote to living for him as opposed to living for ourselves on earth. And he may very well ask us how we died, knowing fully well the answer. Say you died because you got really angry at someone, threw a big tantrum, and subsequently suffered a fatal heart attack – wouldn't you be embarrassed to tell the Lord that's how you died? Therefore, never do anything that would make you look so foolish when you appear before God. And remember that we could leave this world at any time.
No Less than the Apostles
Communion experience. What I received was exactly what the Apostles received at the Last Supper from the Lord: the Lord himself.
***My God Forever and Ever
Today's entrance antiphon came from Revelation 1: Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, the one who lives. Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. What attracts me to the Lord is his forever-and-ever-ness. When he settles your problem, it is settled once and for all. When he forgives you, you are forgiven totally. When he promises you eternal life, you can always depend upon him. When you are saved, you are going to live with him in heaven forever and ever! It is the certainty and trustworthiness that draws me to him. How good it is to know that he is and will be my God forever and ever!
**Recipe for Peace
If you live a self-centered life, that is, you always follow your own wishes, I can guarantee that you'll never have peace. Wanting to have everything your way is to shackle yourself to everything. To follow Christ is to live a God-centered life. Now you are free because you no longer need to play God who is now taking care of you. I am telling you because I've gone through all this and know what I am saying. The peace you receive is worth giving up everything in the world for. Basically, it comes down to the truth that God is worth giving up yourself for.
**Love at Any Cost*
In meditating upon the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary today, I realized that the Lord had gone through his Passion – so much suffering! – just to make it easy for us to be saved. Love does not count the cost. I pray that we all will realize and appreciate this.
Monday, June 3, 2019
The Healing Lord
Communion experience. I developed a big cyst on my cheek, probably caused by exposure to sunlight over the years. The doctor operated on it and prescribed an antibiotic for me to take, and healing has taken place. As I received the Holy Eucharist, I knew that Jesus entered me physically and healing was going to take place spiritually.
**Our Greatest Achievement*
Seeking union with God is the way to know and understand God fully. We become one with the one who made us and knows everything! This has to be our greatest achievement, for we actually cease rebelling against God and let him do what he wishes. It is most satisfying because our deepest desire is also fulfilled. It is beautiful because we are helping restoring order and harmony to the world.
***Experiencing the Holy Spirit
In today's reading 1 from Acts 19, Paul found some disciples in Ephesus. He baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. The Holy Spirit is to be experienced. If you do not feel anything, how can you be sure that it is the Holy Spirit, not yourself, who prompts you to do something. There has to be come kind of personal connection between the Spirit and you, for the Lord Spirit is the living God. Again, to know that it's always the Spirit motivating you, seek to attain union with God and you'll experience the presence of the indwelling Holy spirit within.
**Lazy Nonbelievers
People do not bother to believe in Christ, not necessarily because it's hard to believe that he is our Savior, but because it's just so easy to live without any faith. These are the ones who have fallen into the trap of living from day to day, being too lazy to think seriously about life eternal.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
*One Union Benefit
In union with God, you are always acutely aware of God's presence. Therefore, it's possible to live every moment of your life for the Lord. A great blessing.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
***Know Only Jesus
Today's Communion acclamation, 1 Corinthians 2.2: I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Jesus is truly the only one we need to know well to give our existence meaning and purpose and hope; everything else relative to him is merely peripheral. My view may be extreme, but I am being completely rational.
God Came to Us in Person!
In today's Gospel reading from John 16, Jesus told his disciples that he came from God the Father. He had also said that he and God the Father are in each other and that to have seen him is to have seen the Father. Therefore, to know him is to know God. That's right, if you know him, you know God! It follows that to love him is to love God too.
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