"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, May 14, 2021

*Fulfillment of Prophecies

         Today is the Feast of St. Matthias, who was chosen to take Judas' place in the apostolic ministry. In the first reading from Acts 1, Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers and sisters and said that the Scripture had to be fulfilled concerning Judas and quoted verses from the Psalms as proof. Since the coming of Jesus as the Messiah had already been fulfilled, you can be sure that the Second Coming and final judgment will happen too. 

**Two Rules to Remember**

         A  good rule to follow is never do anything that you know would make you regret or lose your peace if you did it. In addition, never forget to do anything that would make you regret or lose you peace if you didn't do it. A case in point: a parent dies suddenly and the children finally realize that they should have looked after their parent a lot more when he or she's still alive, but now it's too late.

***Humility Urgently Needed**

         In whatever we do, God looks at our heart, our motivation. Know that anything we do to boost our ego or appeal to our vanity does not come from the Lord. Humility is what he wants to see in us, for he is most humble himself. Without humility, we'll never know how great God is!

*****Praying in Peace

         We must never stop praying. The Lord hears every prayer from us. We may not know when and how he's going to respond to us, but respond he will. Our role is to trust in him and not be concerned about what's going to happen next. Pray hard, but remain in peace. To live by faith is most beautiful, for it shows that you are with the Lord.

**Praying for Souls in Purgatory

         Purgatory has changed my perspective. I now see us who follow the Lord on earth, the souls in purgatory who are heaven bound, and those who are already in heaven all belonging to the same Lord. We are one big family, loving God, supporting each together, and united as one. To learn more about souls in purgatory, read about Padre Pio. I'll always remember this incident. One night in 1944 the friars heard loud voices coming from downstairs saying "Viva Padre Pio." The superior told the doorkeeper to let those people out and lock the door properly. The doorkeeper went downstairs, didn't find anybody, and the door was double-locked as it was supposed to. He went back to report. The superior was puzzled and went straight to Padre Pio asking if he knew something. "Oh! Those were  soldiers who had died on the battleground, and came to thank me for their salvation."
       The best known prayer for souls in purgatory I know of is the one by St. Gertrude. According to tradition, She was told by Our Lord that each time she piously recites it, 1,000 (or a vast number of) souls would be released from their suffering in purgatory. Of course, you can always pray from the heart in your words. Here's St, Gertrude's prayer for the souls in purgatory.  

        Eternal Father, I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, for those in my own home, and in my family. Amen. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

***Our Time on Earth

        It is the time we have to reconcile ourselves to God, that is, to prepare ourselves for entering heaven. So do not squander it away.

**More About Purgtory

         I watched a couple more episodes of Purgatory 101 and found that the existence of purgatory really makes a lot of sense. There are all kinds of sinners. One might be an evildoer all his life and finally abandoned himself to God; one might be a Christian, barely making it to heaven; one might not know Christ at all but had been a good loving person, etc. Purgatory is the right place for all of them to pay the dues before entering heaven. It also shows that God's mercy is great. I have always believed that any good person who does not get a chance to know Christ can be saved too. This is confirmed by Maria Simma when she was asked about it. Then you may ask why we need to know Christ. The answer is that only he offers the sure way—you follow him and you are saved. Other ways do not provide such assurance. Anyone saved is still saved through Christ. According to Maria Simma, many souls spend 30 to 40 years in purgatory. Even though it seems like a long time, compared to eternity it's practically zero. It you have time, you might like to read this interview with Maria Simma.

***Where Is the Lord?

         I went to see my dentist this morning. Whiling sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called, the TV was on, showing a long slick commercial. The show was about building a new house with the builder helping the owner pick out a granite slab to be made into various kitchen countertops. The show had captions turned on but not the sound. Over the sound system, I could hear some singer singing some pop song. My thought was "Where is my Lord Jesus?" In this and all other supposedly Christian countries, people in general are self-seeking and deeply immersed in modern materialism. You rarely hear the Lord mentioned in ordinary conversation with anyone. If you knew the Lord, you would want to talk about him all the time, realizing that he's the one you just can't live without. Sadly, very few people know his well enough to even want to mention him! The most beautiful is being ignored the most. Why, Lord? 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

**Leaving Unfinished Business Unfinished

         We all have things or projects to work on. Many are small tasks, but others might take more time to finish. Today I was somewhat "training" myself to be detached from them. Right now the biggest project around home is to put some of my things in order and store them in the right place.  I'd feel better if I get that done. Then I don't want to feel bad either if I can't get it done. Suppose I die now. I would lose control of everything and all unfinished work would just remain unfinished. So there is no point in getting myself attached to any unfinished business. Christ is all I need to hold onto. Let us be his unfinished business so that he may perfect us. 

*Knowing the Truth

        In today's Gospel reading from John 16, Jesus said to his disciples, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you to all truth." When you know that the Lord is real and that he dwells in you, the Spirit has come to you. The Lord is always direct with us. The Spirit of truth will not enter anyone who is circuitous. 

***How Best to Serve God*****

         Here is the best way to serve the Lord and give him the greatest joy—embrace his love for you with all your heart and obey his every command with joy.

****Purgatory & God's Mercy

        Purgatory is a controversial subject as most Protestants don't believe in it, the reason being that it's not clearly mentioned in the Bible. The Bible reveals only truths, but it does not mean that what it doesn't reveal has to be false. By the way, after Jesus ascended to heaven, the Gospels were not written right away and the Bible as we know it now did not exist for about half a millennium until the Catholic Church selected the books of writings that were judged to be inspired by God and put them together as one book. The Church relied mainly upon tradition in spreading the gospel. Jesus never told us to rely solely upon any forthcoming book. There were no Bible Christians for another millennium until Protestants broke away from the Church. My personal belief is that purgatory does exist. It is logical that there is a place for sinners to be purified before entering heaven. God's mercy is so great that if we succumb to his mercy, we are instantly saved. We are forgiven, but we still need to pay the price for having offended him. I came across this video on purgatory today. I had heard about Maria Simma, but didn't know much about her. The video gives you a good start on learning about purgatory. I have a feeling that you would want to watch the other videos in the series after seeing this one. I am thinking of getting the book Get Us Out of Here mentioned in the video myself.
       I believe that being detached from the world and longing to see the Lord can contribute to shortening our time in purgatory or help us skip it altogether. Remember the criminal crucified next to Christ who abandoned himself to him, saying "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom"? The Lord replied, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." 
        My three categories. (1) You put yourself completely in God's hands and are ready to go to him at any time; you have a good chance of going straight to heaven. (2) You are reluctant to abandon yourself to him, but get to do it before you die; you are saved, but you'll have to go through purgatory. (3) You choose not to yield to your Savior; you remain separated from him for all eternity. Our best policy is of course to abandon ourselves to him as soon as we can.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

***So Simple to Be Saved!

        In today's first reading from Acts 16, God delivered Paul and Silas from the prison. There was suddenly a severe earthquake that the foundations of the jail shook; all the doors flew open, and the the chains of all were pulled loose. When the jailer woke up, he, thinking that the prisoners had escaped, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. But Paul shouted out, "Do no harm to yourself; we are all here." He rushed in and, trembling with fear, fell down before Paul and Silas. Then he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved." We all know that, right? God has made it so simple! You just can't make it more complicated in any way unless you just don't care.

**Our Most Important Growth

       As we grow older, depending upon our age, we grow stronger or weaker physically, but we can always grow stronger spiritually, the sky is the limit. As our time on earth is running out, we should see that growing holier is so much more important than maintaining our health or growing richer materially. That's all I have to say here.

***Cleaning Our Own House First

       The first order of business for all Christians is to be holy. It follows that the first order of business for the Church is to be holy too, free of corruption and scandals and filled with the spirit of teaching its flock with zeal and clarity. We must all clean our own house first, to be free from sin. The two critical issues the Church faces today are the irreverence shown to the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, and the ongoing slaughter of the unborn, which I see as part of Satan's plan to destroy the family. If Christ is no longer believed to be present in the Holy Eucharist, then there's no point in celebrating the Holy Mass and nothing to hold the Church together anymore. If abortion is allowed to continue on and Christians remain relatively silent, then we are all hypocrites and we know that Jesus said "Woe to you" to the hypocrites in his day. The fact that these two crises affect the laity more than the general clergy shows that something is not right with the Church. Look how difficult it is for the bishops to come to a decision to bar politicians and public figures who support abortion from receiving Holy Communion. Is the profanation of the Lord no longer a matter of concern? The Catholic Church is the original Church built by Christ upon Peter which Jesus promised that the gates of hell should not prevail against it. I believe that having allowed evil to infiltrate the Church, the Lord is in the process of restoring it to purity again. (Check out my video The Magnitude of Abortion if you haven't seen it yet.)

Monday, May 10, 2021

**Faith Most Treasurable*

        An unwavering, rock-solid faith that's deeply rooted in Christ has to be a most beautiful and wonderful blessing. You'll remain in him under any circumstances, no matter what you go through, for you've found him to be the true God. Your ultimate quest is over. Now you find only emptiness outside of him. Seek and attain union with him to receive this most precious gift.

Christian Duty

         If you know that you are a Christian, then know that God has chosen you and has work for you to do. Be holy first and you'll know what he wants you to do and do it well. You'll reap abundantly for the fruit you produce for him. An idle Christian is one who neglects his duty.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

**Pride Our Worst enemy

        Jesus' teaching has always been clear, straight forward, and easy to understand, even commonsensical. Yet it becomes tough learning for us when we are unwilling to submit ourselves to him. In theory, we can become saints in an instant, but some never learn much in their entire lifetime. Pride has to be our worst enemy. What a sad case!