"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

**Good News Becomes Great News*

        In today's Gospel reading from John 10, Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father's hand. The Father and I are one." Knowing that we shall never perish is already such good news. Knowing that no one can possibly take us out of the Father's hand makes the good news even better. That we can become one with the Father and the Son has got to be the best icing on the cake.

**Why Christianity Is not Winning

        In today's first reading from Acts 11, the disciples went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, proclaiming the Lord Jesus. A great number believed and turned to the Lord. I am wondering why this is not happening today. First I thought that everyone pretty much has heard about Jesus, so it's nothing new to get excited about anymore. Then I realized that it's because of the allure of the the well-developed material society on the one hand and the lack of zeal and spirit in most Christians on the other hand. Ultimately, it is the lukewarm Church that's responsible for the present situation. If we can be as excited and spirited about our faith as the early Christians, the world would be a lot different today. We have not abandoned ourselves in the Lord completely. Perhaps this is also why we do not see that many miracles being performed today. Only a total recommitment to the Lord by the Church and all of us can turn things around.

Monday, May 4, 2020

**The Power of God

        In today's Gospel reading from John 10, Jesus said, "I have power to lay my life down, and power to take it up again." The power of the Lord comes from his will. Whatever he wills, it's done. Since he can will anything, he can do anything. Compared to him, we have zero power, for to accomplish anything, we need to toil and labor. But if we acknowledge to the Lord that we are nothing before him, he will empower us to do good.

**Please Die in Peace*

      If I do something and lose peace, I know that I've gone against the Lord. Then I undo what I've done and regain peace, and I get confirmed. We want to be able to correct all wrongs so that we may leave this world in peace. One thing that can put a heavy burden on our heart is that we are not on speaking terms with someone we love or who used to be close to us. The first thing you can do is to pray for that person (and for yourself too). Then maybe you can send the person a card at Christmas time to wish him or her well. *Take the first step to see how far you can get. Of course, you must forgive that person (and yourself too) before the Lord first. If you die with peace in your heart, you will enter peace. But if you die with a heart in turmoil, you will encounter turmoil on the other side too.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

What Christianity Is All About

        In reading 2 from 1 Peter 2, Peter wrote: Christ himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you had gone astray like sheep, but you have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls. This is what Christianity is all about and Peter fully realized it then. If we realize it now, it's time for us to become full-fledged Christians.

God Most Dependable

        In Matthew 6.33, Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." We want so many things, and most of all, we want to make money. We are so busy that we either don't have time to seek the kingdom of God at all or seek it when there is some time left over. Let me testify to you that if you seek to please God first, you'll enjoy freedom and peace and all the things you need will be provided you by God besides. He is most dependable. If you don't try him, it's your loss.

***God the Most Beautiful

        Today's responsorial Psalm is Psalm 23, which consists of only six verses. If the parable of the lost son is the most beautiful parable of all, then Psalm 23 has to be the most beautiful Psalm of all. Verse 4 reads: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. How can you not feel good when you read this? God is just too beautiful to even imagine! Don't think about going to heaven; just think about being with him forever!

***A Sweet Blessing

       In today's first reading from Acts 2, Peter spoke up at Pentecost, "Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified." Now when all the people heard this, they were cut to the heart. Letting the Lord cut you to the heart is a sweet experience. It  shows that he is with you, he matters to you, and you feel for him. So let him cut you to the heart as much as he wishes. Jesus makes everything sweet for us!

***Time to Wake Up to Hell!

        Another Fr. Mark Goring video. I am not specifically promoting him; I am promoting the messages he gives us because they are timely and true. Both heaven and hell are real; Jesus spoke about them. We'll either end up in heaven or in hell after this life is over, yet I cannot recall hearing them being preached much about from the pulpit of our churches. The word "heaven" might have been mentioned in passing, but hell is treated as if it doesn't even exist. Being politically correctly is absolutely incorrect for Christians, who are supposed to follow and speak for Christ only. Avoiding talking about heaven and hell is being timid, weak, negligent, and foolish; it's trying to avoid the unavoidable. Time to wake up to truth and reality, for souls are at stake!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

How's Your Conscience?

        Our built-in conscience acts like a guide. Whenever we do something that's not good, we feel it. In worst cases, we can lose our sleep. In mild cases, we try to ignore it. But God still knows. If the conscience is not maintained well, it gets dull and becomes finally muddy. Now you can be in danger of losing your soul. Always take care of your conscience by keeping it clean and sharp so that you may be blameless before God, and you'll have peace.

*How Not to Judge

        When the Lord tells us not to judge, we are not to judge ourselves either. We are not even to think about how good or bad we are—we just do our best to obey the Lord in all things and leave all outcome to him. 

***The Illumination of Conscience Warning***

        I've read about the Illumination of Conscience that has been prophesied by many to happen to us. It will be an act of God's great mercy to make us see our spiritual state as he sees it. I knew that as long as I were prepared, I would be fine. Then after reading about and watching this video by Christine Watkins on this Warning in the newsletter from Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope, I realized that I must spread this message to help others prepare themselves too.  Please watch the entire video, as it could make all the difference to your soul!

***Testimony You Must Hear***

        I must have posted Fr. Mark Goring's videos close to twenty times because he is filled with the Holy Spirit and I understand exactly how he feels about Christ. I have heard many testimonies, but his I've just listened to has to be one of the best. Put whatever you're doing aside and listen to his story, for it can make your life new too. Jesus is to be experienced and enjoyed!

***Church's Great Negligence

        These are sad days for the Church as many Catholics no longer believe that the Holy Eucharist is truly the body and blood of Jesus. It is most urgent that the Church authorities should do their utmost to inform and reeducate their flocks of the truth. Sadly, I see only complacency. If this problem is not corrected, the Church will surely decline further and we'll all have to answer to the Lord. It's so sad to see Catholics leaving the Church, not aware that they are going to miss receiving the most precious heavenly gift from God! I am glad that Fr. Mark Goring just put out this video to tell us how important it is to believe in and receive the Holy Eucharist.

Friday, May 1, 2020

***Union with God Achieved!

        In today's Gospel reading from John 6, Jesus says (verse 56): "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My Blood, remans in me and I in him." To remain in each other is to be one. (If A < B and B < A, then A = B. A mathematical certainty.) It is clear to me that if you truly believe that the Holy Eucharist is the true body and blood of Christ and partake of it, then you and he become one. Union with God is achieved!

**Our Omniscient Lord

        In today's first reading from Acts 9, we hear the conversion of Saul. Saul was persecuting the disciples of Christ horribly and Jesus stopped him in the track and asked him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Read the first 20 verses to to get the whole beautiful story. When you persecute the Lord, he knows. So if you are good to him but do not hear him speak to you audibly, you can be sure that he knows too. The Lord knows every thought we think, ever word we utter, every deed we perform, and more. Do you feel good about this? If you don't, then you definitely have things to hide, not good. If you are glad that the Lords knows all about you, it shows that you trust in him totally, a great sign.

**We Need a Mother

        Traditionally, the Church has set aside the month of May to honor our Blessed Mother, Mary, the mother of the Son of God, who is God. Each one of us needs a good mother; this is how God has made us, and Jesus has given us her own mother from the cross. I am going to let Fr. Mark Goring tell you how we all need to invite Mary into our home in the video he posted today.

***Solution to All Problems

        Evil has infiltrated the world. It has specifically infiltrated the Church, sowing confusion and discord. But we know that the Church of our Lord will prevail in the end, so she is being chastised and pruned now. Also, it could be that end times are near. No matter what, each of us who follow Christ is being tested. We must never abandon the Church and must seek refuge in the Lord more than ever. This is the best time to go deep into our God. All the more we need to seek union with him. It is the solution to all our problems: to become holy ourselves.