"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, June 25, 2018

*Being Hypocritical to the Max

        From today's Gospel reading at Mass from Matthew 7, Jesus said to his disciples: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? You hypocrite, remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will bee clearly to remove the splinter from your brother's eye." This is the exact hypocrisy that runs rampantly in America today. People judge and accuse others unfairly and harshly, calling those who disagree with them names with vengeance. They even make up fake splinters they claim to see. They say they uphold high morals, despite being corrupt and highly immoral themselves. They say they fight for human rights, yet support unrestrictive abortion at any stage of the life of the unborn infant. You've got to be blind or kidding! 

Goodness of the Lord

        How good it would be to sit at the feet of Christ the Lord, basking in his light, listening to his sweet words of life, and enjoying his fragrant presence forever and ever. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Let God Have Some Joy

        God loves us so much that he wants us to return to him after this life to dwell happily forever in his house. Anytime one of us realizes this and decides to go home like the prodigal son, the Father would be so overjoyed that the whole heaven rejoices. Do you still want to be a party pooper?

The Knowing Standard

        Until you love Jesus more than anything else, you do not know him well enough yet.

**God Absolutely Trustworthy

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus mainly wants us not to worry about life or tomorrow, but to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all our needs will be provided besides. You will know that this is true if you believe and live it. This is in line with the principle that if you lay down your life for the Lord, he is bound to raise you up.

**Life Is No Dead End

        I was looking at my own body this morning, aware of my existence. I knew I was I and no one else. What if I die and become nothing? In that case, how should I live from now on? What should I do tomorrow? I wouldn't know, because life is now meaningless. But I did hear about Jesus with his message of salvation, loud and clear. Over time, I've gotten to know him quite well. This alone has made my life worth living, filling me with hope and even overwhelming me with great joy at times. And it's no delusion, for God touched my soul through my heart, bypassing my mind altogether. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

**All for Us!

        Today Friday I prayed the five Sorrowful mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Jesus went through the agony in the garden, got scourged, was mocked by being crowned with thorns, had to carry his own cross, and finally was crucified. These tragic scenes would surely appear most dramatic to any spectator or bystander, but the important thing is to ask why he underwent such excruciating suffering and pain? The answer is that he did it out of love for all of us, you and me, all sinners, so that we might live forever with him!     

Thursday, June 21, 2018

**On Forgiving Others Again*

          In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray by saying the Our Father, the most appropriate and beautiful prayer there is. He emphasized the importance of the forgiving-others part by further adding: "If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.
        We must absolutely take this last saying gravely. Forgiving others is often most difficult for us to do. We could decided not to forgive the person, which amounts to shutting the door in God's face – outright disobedience. Or we could admit to God that it is difficult for us, and so we need his help – this is keeping the door open. These two opposing stands display the fundamental difference! Should you choose not to have the Father forgive your transgressions, you have to be the biggest fool in the whole universe! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Soul-Changing Difference

        Communion experience. Catholics believe that the consecrated bread and wine are the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, while most Protestants perceive them as only symbolically true. The difference is huge. When I receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, I know that it has the power to actually change my soul! If the bread and wine had remained as ordinary bread and wine, I would be merely going through a ritual to help me remember the Lord's death and resurrection.  

Hiding Our Righteousness

        Today's Gospel reading came from Matthew 6. Jesus taught his disciples not to perform righteous deeds in order that people might see them. We are to keep all our righteousness hidden for the Father to see only, and Jesus promised that the Father would repay us. Again, care only about what God thinks about us. The immediate reward of such selfless living is inner peace. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

**Formula for Holiness*

        If we want to excel in anything we do in this world, we must work hard. To get better grades in school, to be a better pianist, to make your garden more beautiful . . . all require time, energy, and gumption. But when it comes to becoming holy, it doesn't work that way, even if you're so determined that you grit your teeth and tell yourself a thousand times each day to be holy. In fact, you should do just the opposite. That is, you drop all your guard and relax in the Lord as to let him do all the work for you, for only he can take away your sins and heal your soul to make you holy. 

One God, One World

        Communion experience. I am now living in the world of God – my world is now his world.

**Conscience Over Feeling

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 5, Jesus continued to teach his disciples; this time, about loving their enemies. Yes, he wanted them to be perfect as the heavenly Father is. We all know right from wrong if we are courageous enough to sweep aside our emotions and pride, and examine our conscience objectively. Then we must follow our conscience, not our feelings, to show the Lord that we aim to be perfect as he had commanded.  

Monday, June 18, 2018

**Infinity Beyond Finiteness

        Since our life began at a certain time in this world, we are all finite beings. It dawned on me that this is why we have trouble perceiving infinity. When scientists searched for how the universe began, they came up with the big bang theory which had a beginning. But what came before that? When I was a little kid, I wondered if I would ever run into a wall if I kept flying into the sky. If I did hit one, then what'd be on the other side? I gave up. You see, our mind is incapable of dealing with things that are infinite. Since God by definition has no beginning and no end, we with the finite mind have trouble in believing in his existence. Naturally, if you were God, infinity would be the norm. I hope I have hit on something that can help you believe in God more readily.

*Birth of Freedom

        What weigh us down are our selfishness, ego, attachments to worldly things and pleasures – in general, all our sinful ways. When we surrender ourselves to God, all these things are lifted off us and we become free.

The Peace Process

        When you surrender yourself to God, you and God come into perfect harmony and inner peace is born.

***Do You Know That . . .

when you ask God to take complete care of you, you show your greatest love for him?       

*Let Nothing Bother Us*

        In today's Gospel reading from Mark 5, Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with your tunic, hand him your cloak a well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles." If it sounds like Jesus wants us to be less human, that's because he wants us to be like him. Basically, the Lord wants us not to let anyone who bothers us bother us. Losing our peace only shows that we still have not trusted in or surrender ourselves to him completely yet.