"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Finding Rest in God

        When we offer our burden up to God, we show our trust in God and willingness to bear our cross. Amazingly, the Lord lightens the burden and we find rest.

God's Mercy Matters

        God's mercy is so great that he would look for even the smallest redeeming feature in you to save you. That is, he wants to save you in every way possible. Rejecting this mercy and you become instantly the biggest possible fool. Accepting this mercy and you gain the greatest possible benefit.

Responding to God

       Communion experience. As I received the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, I felt as if all of God was descending upon me. The only sensible and appropriate response was to prostrate myself (spiritually, as I wasn't alone in church) before the Lord in complete submission to him.

Refreshing Change

        Without Christ, we are self-centered, and all joys and sorrows directly affect us, often disquietly. With Christ, we become God-centered and our joys and sorrows are now the same as the Lord's. This is completely refreshing as we now experience these emotions accompanied by peace.

God Rewards Us

        When you pray for someone you love and nothing seems to change, you undergo great agony. Then the Lord consoles you by letting you know that no matter what happens, he is always with you, and your union with him is further strengthened.

Fear of Death

        If you are not ready to die yet, then you are not ready for Judgment Day yet ~ you need to let Christ remove all your fears.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

With or Without Jesus

        Communion experience and thoughts. Jesus is peace, for in him I have found true rest. Without him, my life would have been uneven and more dramatic, you might say, but ultimately, self-destructive. We have a choice to make. In Luke 12, Jesus said, "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." I think he had this choice in mind.

Know the Holy Spirit

         Galatians 4.6: As proof that you are children, God sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" If you are prompted to cry out to God the Father or pray to Jesus the Son, you know that God the Holy Spirit dwells in you, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. Know that the Holy Spirit, being full of love, cannot possibly dwell in anyone who shows no mercy for others.

Inviting the Lord

        As Christmas approaches, you hear the song "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" sung at Mass at lot. Emmanuel means "God is with us." Christmas celebrates the coming of Christ, for he did come to us through Mary, but it won't do us any good if we do not let him into our hearts. Therefore, "O Come" must also be an invitation to ask the Lord to enter our hearts. We rejoice not only because God comes, but also because he is going to renew us, readying us for heaven.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Following God's Will Only

        In following the will of God, we must not let our own will get in the way. Careful discernment is required. The more we abandon ourselves in God, the less such effort is needed. In full union with God, our own will no longer interferes. No more wishful thinking. We leave everything up to the Lord and believe that nothing is impossible for him. And we remain in peace.

Union Is Strength

        Union and division are opposites. Jesus said, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and no town or house divided against itself will stand." We see this in the breakup of many families divided and at present the destruction of countries in the Middle East. On the other hand, it goes without saying that the power of union is strength. It's clear that union with God is then the way for us to grow strong spiritually.        

Where to Lose Yourself

        Do not just watch or admire God from the sidelines. You must actively jump into the game of going after him, grabbing ahold of him, and hanging onto him. The Lord is an ocean of love, dive into him to stay afloat. He is the ideal space in which to abandon ourselves. Lose yourself in God and you are found for all eternity!

Acknowledging the Father

        Each of us has or had an earthly father or we wouldn't be here. Then we also have one heavenly Father of all of us or we wouldn't even exist. Let us acknowledge him, our creator and most loving Father.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Beautiful Journey

        First, the awesome holiness of God humbles us. Then we surrender to the Lord and he purifies us. Humility leading to purity ~ a most beautiful journey!

Beautiful to God

        As our loving Father, God desires that we be holy like him. Therefore, we are most beautiful to him when we are holy. 

Encountering Truth

       Today Friday I prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. If I hear about someone suffering for whatever reason as much as Jesus had, I would feel very sorry for the person. In Jesus' case, I not only feel the sorrow, but also gratitude and finally, joy ~ this is because Jesus underwent his sufferings to save me from my sins so that I might have everlasting life. The fact that Jesus resonates with me is proof that I have encountered the truth, revealing to me that I am a sinner and need salvation.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Soul Security

        On earth, our soul is secure only if we abandon ourselves to God. The greater our abandonment, the greater our security.

God's Special Creation

        Think about yourself. Each one of us is truly a unique being. With the exception of born identical twins, no two of us look alike. You are distinctly you, aware of your self and identity. We instinctively sense good and evil and search for God for fulfillment. By intuition alone, I know that we are God's very special creation. Now it's time to think about God.