"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where Is Your Treasure?

        St. Jerome used to spend much time reading profane works by the pagan writer Cicero and others.  During a sickness, he saw himself transported before the tribunal of God, who asked him who he was.  "I am a Christian," Jerrome replied.  "You lie," said the Judge.  "You are a Ciceronian; for where your treasure is, there also is your heart."  And the Judge ordered him to be scourged.    
        A good question to ask ourselves is: "Where is our treasure?"  Is it in reading trashy literature, in watching impure TV shows, in accumulating material possessions, or just indulging in worldly pleasures in general?   

What to Ask of the Lord?

        From today's Mass Reading 1, 1 Kings 3, we learn how in a dream the Lord asked Solomon to ask something of him and he would give it to him.  Solomon asked for an understanding heart to judge the people and to distinguish right from wrong.  The Lord was pleased because Solomon did not ask for a long life, nor riches, nor for the life of his enemies, but for understanding so that he might know what's right.  A good question to think about: Should the Lord ask you the same question, what would you ask for?  

Worth of the Kingdom of Heaven

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 13, Jesus taught his disciples thus: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.  When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it."  An appropriate question: How much is the kingdom of heaven worth to you?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Prayer Motivation

        I prayed for an "enemy" today, someone who's been against me.  It's clear that the Lord wanted me to pray for his salvation, but then I also detected in the background that I was hoping that he wouldn't turn against me anymore.  Aha, I caught myself again.  A reminder that when we pray, we should do it for the glory of God alone and not to have things turn out to suit us, unless what suits us is clearly also for the glory of God.

Prayer Coverage

        Today I recall some of the things I haven't been praying for because I more or less accepted the status quo or thought that they were less urgent, but the Holy Spirit showed me that I should not forget them and that to think nothing is going to change is to give up hope, limiting God's mercy.  Therefore, I should pray for everything that's deposited in my heart and not pick and choose "favorites." 

On God Being with Us

        Jesus told his disciples that he would be with them always, until the end of the age.  So we know that God is with us, but what does that really mean?  I believe it means a lot more than just seeing what we are up to.  The Lord created us, so he knows all about us.  He knew us before we were born and knew all our thoughts before we express them.  Our hearts are totally exposed to him.  He is personal and intimate.  Therefore, when he is with us, he watches over us every moment and supports us every step of our way.  This is one amazing aspect of God.   

Friday, July 22, 2011

God Has the Right

        Still at the chapel after Mass, I became aware that God created me at the beginning and he should have the right to mold me in any way he wishes.  Therefore, I should always remain pliant and never rebel.

Christ's Love Overwhelming

        During contemplation after Mass, the beauty and goodness of Christ moved me to tears.  Everything else couldn't be further from my mind during those moments.  I just wanted all of me to be dissolved by his love.

Jesus Will Always Be with Us!

        In the Gospel from John 20 today, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed.  She wept because she thought others had taken Jesus from the tomb and now she didn't know where they put him.  A most touching scene.  Then I thought of us.  We are just so fortunate that we know exactly where the Lord is now and that he'll always be with us and that we'll always have him ~ cause for great rejoicing!

Same Father and God for All

        Today is the Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene.  Here's the Entrance verse from John 20:  "The Lord said to Mary Magdalene: Go and tell my brothers that I shall ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and to your God."  It's just so good to hear that we and the Lord share the same Father and the same God ~ we are one big family all along.  Rejoice and rejoice.

Ego, the Obstacle

        Before morning Mass during prayer, I saw that the ego is like a weight inside us.  If we just drop it, then our soul will be free to soar upward to God. 

Choose God's Ways

        So far I've read 2/3 of The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Vol. 1, a book 600 pages long.  What inspires me most were her obedience, meekness, and humility.  This morning I wondered how the world would eye Christ, should he show up meek and humble in every way.  Probably not very well at all.  Then we have St. John the Baptist who, aware how mighty and exalted Christ was, deemed himself not even worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.  What a contrast!  God's ways are certainly not our ways ~ let's humbly choose God's ways always.   

Growing in Holiness

        Before you go face any problem in life, pray for God's help and that he'll make you holier.  This last part is important because you want to deal with the problem as the Lord would himself and he is most holy.  Treat every problem as an opportunity for you to grow in holiness.   

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Be at Peace

        Being at peace with yourself is only possible if you are already at peace with God. 

Invitation to Union

        Thoughts while receiving the Holy Eucharist.  How fortunate to receive the bread of heaven!  The Lord was ready for union ~ was I ready?  The desire was there, but I needed his help to make me worthy to accept his invitation. 

Is the Lord a Fair Giver?

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 13, we hear the Lord say: "To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away."  Does this sound like "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"?  Actually, it's totally fair here because the one who has is the one open to the Lord's giving and the one who has not is closed to it.  A small difference makes a big difference.    

Obedience Is Beautiful

        During prayer before Mass this morning, "obedience" struck me a a most beautiful word, because it can bring us into perfect harmony with God, leading us to perfect freedom. 

God's Justice & Mercy

        God also made it clear to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich about his justice and mercy in this vision.
        She said, "Great is God's justice, but still more inconceivable is his mercy. He damns only those who are determined not to be converted; they who have a spark of good will are saved.  Those who grieve for their sins, confess them sincerely, and trust confidently in the merits of their Savior; they are saved and their sins will no longer be remembered.  It's true that they go to purgatory, but not to remain long.  On the other hand, many stay long in purgatory who, although not great sinners, have lived tepidly.  Through pride they would take no admonition or instruction from their confessor.  The time was when the thought of only one poor sinner's condemnation grieved me so that I could not get over it; but on the present occasion, though many were condemned, I was perfectly calm, for I saw that God's justice called for it." 
        (Those last lines really helped me.)