"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's the Lord!

        There is excitement and joy when you recognize that it's the Lord.  I am thinking about the time when the disciples recognized that the "ghost" walking upon water toward them was really the Lord.  Later they realized that the one standing on the shore directing them to cast their net to catch fish was the resurrected Lord.  And then the eyes of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus were opened at the breaking of the bread. 
        I also feel that any time you recognize that a thought, a word, a desire, an urge, or a voice is coming from or prompted by the Holy Spirit, get excited and be joyful that it is the Lord within you.     

Faith Needs Trust

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 8, the centurion asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant.  When the Lord was ready to go, the centurion declared that he's not worthy to receive him and only asked him to say the word and the servant would be healed.  The Lord was impressed by his faith and the request was granted.  
        My thoughts are that if we have faith, we shouldn't ever wonder or worry if the Lord is going to answer our prayer or not.  To persist and ask again is fine, but to lose peace afterwards, no.  Faith without trust is empty.

Nothing Is Mine Except the Lord

        I came into this world with nothing that's mine and shall leave it the same way I came.  Except that while here on earth, the Lord our God called and I responded.  Now, he is mine forever!  Soon I shall be going to him, the Father who awaits us all in paradise.  Will you be one to disappoint him?  I pray not.

Friday, June 24, 2011

To Each His Own

        The morning news reports that a small 2 x 3, 130-year-old photo of Billy the Kid will be auctioned off today and is expected to fetch at least a million dollars because many will want to own it.  The good news for me is that I don't need to spend a cent to possess the priceless almighty God who loves me.

How Best to Follow Christ

        (1) Follow at a steady pace, never rushing ahead nor lagging behind.
        (2) Do not turn your head to be distracted nor look back as you follow.
        (3) Do not look ahead, wondering what might happen ~ leave all up to God.
        (4) Follow faithfully with patience.

Features Unique to Christianity

        Christ made it clear that he is in the Father and the Father is in him; that is, he and the Father are one.  As disciples of Christ, he is also in us.  He fills us with himself each time we receive him in the Holy Eucharist, reaffirming our oneness.  We submit ourselves to the Lord and simply vanish in him.  These are absolutely unique features you do not find in any other belief systems. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Only One Person to Please

        Watched a clip of Pavarotti in Hyde Park on TV.  The singer was trying to please thousands in the park.  He was good, but I doubt that he would get 100% approval.  It got me thinking that I was luckier because I only needed to please one person, the Lord.  And one nod from him is worth more than a million out there applauding me. 

Ungodly Emotions Lead to Sin

        Emotions rise when people are angry, scared, worried, jealous, envious, impatient, possessive, greedy, unforgiving, hateful...  One can be totally eaten up by such emotions that are out of control, both physically and spiritually ~ ungodly emotions just lead to sin. 
        On the contrary, anyone who's in union with God basically feels just peace.  When you have joy or sorrow, you know that the Lord is feeling it at the same time.  In sorrow, the Lord consoles you and your sorrow turns sweet.        

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be with God or Be Nothing

        During Communion time yesterday, I became acutely aware that I could not possibly survive without the Lord.  It's either being with him or becoming nothing.

Doing Work Through God

        God does work through us as we are his instruments.  In turn we do his work through him in the sense that we can do nothing on our own and need to rely upon his strength, guidance, and protection to accomplish the task.  In union with God, we never work alone. 

The Sad State of Man

        Over centuries man has made this world more comfortable and convenient, more entertaining and pleasurable.  Man has become materialistic and flesh-oriented, to the point that he no longer seeks God.  I see the newborns or very young children ~ they are all so pure and innocent.  Then I look at the adults, impure and sinful ~ how did they get that way?  
        Yesterday's Gospel reading gives an answer.  Jesus said to his disciples: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.  How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.  And those who find it are few."
        What must we do then?

Beauty of Following the Lord

        During the Mass at St. Andrew, I sensed the beauty of following the Lord.  As I journey with him, I discover more and more beauty along the way.   

Where God Resides

        Last Monday away from home, I attended morning Mass at a local church.  Jesus considered the temple of his days his Father's house.  As soon as I entered the chapel at St. Andrew, I felt that I had arrived home.  The song says "Any place I hang my hat is home."  For me, any place where God resides is home. 
        After Mass, I remained to pray for a few minutes.  Amidst all the noises and sounds ~ music rehearsal in the main church, people talking and chatting around the chapel, birds busily singing outside in the trees ~ I felt so good being aware that "the Lord is in me." 

Parents' Heavy Responsibility

        In the Gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke), Jesus warns that "whoever causes one of the little ones who believe in him to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone put around his neck and be thrown into the sea."  All parents must pay heed to this.  In general, we must never be the cause for anyone to fall away from God.  Parents in particular must always be good examples to their children.  According to the Lord, any parent who causes one of his/her children to sin commits a grave sin indeed.  

Father's Day Sorrow

        Last Sunday was the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and also Father's Day.  The Entrance from one Psalm read: "God is the strength of his people.  In him, we his chosen live in safety.  Save us Lord, who share in your life, and give us your blessing; be our shepherd forever."  I felt great joy in reading these verses.  Yet I also felt great sorrow because so many sons celebrated Father's day with their earthly fathers and forgot all about the heavenly Father, most loving of all fathers.  For them, I offer up my sorrow to the heavenly Father. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best Way to Influence Others

        I once studied abstract math and it's just not possible to explain the subject to nonmathematicians.  It's almost the same when it comes to communicating your personal spiritual feelings and experiences.  Try reading St. John of the Cross.  Anyway, the best way to influence others is by example and not by sharing what the Lord has given specifically for you in private. 

On Judging Others

        I am still trying to catch up after being away for almost five days.  While away, I attended Mass Friday, Sunday at one church and Monday at a different church.  Both churches are quite beautiful. 
        At yesterday's Mass, Jesus in Matthew 7 told us to stop judging.  Here are two logical sequences.   The more we look at God, the more we see our own faults and shortcomings, and the less we tend to criticize others.  It follows that the less we look at God, the less we notice our own faults and shortcomings (the wooden beams in our eye), and the more we become critical of others (about the splinters in their eye).  We sure have plenty of the second kind around.

Pleasing the Lord

        At the end of Mass just before I was about to get up and leave, a little girl entered the church with her mother and headed straight toward the altar.  She went behind the railing and knelt right in front of the tabernacle and prayed, her two little hands pressed perfectly together.  Outside as I walked toward my parked car, I saw a homeless woman, almost totally hidden behind her dark, hooded cloak, pushing a loaded cart.  As she passed the front of the church, she paused, turned, and genuflected reverently.  These two both pleased the Lord that morning.