"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, September 27, 2024

**Overwhelming Experience

        Communion experience. I realized that the Lord was giving all of himself for my salvation.

***Know Sin Well*

        We all know that we sin, but we often don't realize how ugly and deadly it can get! For if you don't control your sins, you can lose your soul for all eternity! The loss of peace after you sin should remind you of this danger. So we need to "respect" sin and take it seriously. On the other hand, we can always have Christ take away all our sins and make us holy and beautiful for the Lord to behold. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

*****An Outstanding Day*****

        Communion experience. In John 6, Jesus declared to the crowd, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day." These are familiar sayings, but when I received the Lord in the Eucharist, I became acutely aware that eating this food was going to make me live on forever! I was overcome with gratitude and great joy. Now I feel more carefree than ever, rejoicing in another day the Lord has made!

***Greatest Division or Union**

        Jesus came to us and caused division, for not all accepted him. This division will lead to the greatest separation from God in the end. On the other hand, Jesus brings about the greatest union among those who are in union with him. Once you are thus united with him, nothing external will be able to break that bond. All then become one in the Lord for all eternity. You decide which way you want to go.

*****God Most Exciting*****

        From today's reading 1 from Ecclesiastes 1, I quote verses 9b-10: Nothing is new under the sun. Even the thing of which we say, “See, this is new!” has already existed in the ages that preceded us. We discover and learn new things; they are new to us only because we didn't know them before. The Lord God is the only one who can create new things, things that never existed before. This is also saying that he's the only one who can make miracles happen. He makes us sinners anew and we become saints. The great miracle of the sun that took place in Fatimas had not happened before. How about the Resurrection of Christ? The Lord God is awesome, amazing, and most exciting, worthy to be worshipped, adored, and praised by us. 

**Balancing Trust Against Concern*

        As a Christians, I trust in the Lord, but at the same time I am most concerned about the world seemingly becoming more godless than ever. The urgency I feel to help the Lord to save the world is great. Then I must strike a balance here. Surely God is in control and knows what's going on. Besides, his final victory is already in the bag! So I am just going to trust in him and pray as hard as always, but not allowing my concern to ruffle my inner peace.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

***Our Primary Goal on Earth***

        Communion experience. The Lord strengthens my union with him, readying me to meet him. On earth, our primary goal should be to ready ourselves for meeting God. 

***Most Consequential Test on Earth***

         Do we accept or reject Christ as our Savior?

**Our Spiritual Food*

        From today's first reading from Proverbs 30, "Give me neither poverty nor riches; provide me only with the food I need.For us Catholics, the spiritual food we need consists of Christ''s word and his body, the Eucharist. 

***Compelled to Respond

        Christ has come down from heaven to die on the cross so that whoever believes in him may live forever—how can we possibly ignore such a wonderful proposition? If it sounds incredible, we should at least look into it. We know we are sinners and don't know what's going to happen to our souls after death, so remaining unmoved and not doing anything about it is being utterly foolish. (Should you realize that your souls are what God and Satan are fighting for, you would jump right into action to help God fight this war!)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

*****Clear Sign We Are in End Times*

**Soul Healer

        Communion experience.The Lord goes straight for the soul, making it pure and whole again.

***Hallmarks of the True God***

         To me, these are the hallmarks of the God of Christ as our true God. He declares the truth to us. He lets us respond to him with our free will, showing only love and not coercing us in any way. Once we have accepted him, we are completely free to reject him. The fact is that I am so happy and satisfied with him as my Lord and God that I voluntarily want to submit myself to him even more. All this can only happen when you are dealing with the true God.

Monday, September 23, 2024

***Bread from Heaven

         Communion experience. This bread which had come directly from heaven healed my heart, my soul, and my spirit.

**Direct Opposites

        Christ is the light that makes us see the truth, while Satan's darkness makes us "blind" to the truth.    

*****Most Urgent Prayer

        After Jesus was crucified, he prayed from the cross: "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Today, our world is in no better shape, so saying this prayer is relevant and apt. It all comes down to us being saved or damned! I ask that you beg for God's mercy on all souls fervently as often as possible, for the matter is most urgent. 

*Only Thing God & Satan Have in Common

        God is awesome, while Satan is awful. 

****An Important Reminder to All****

         Being a nice kind person to all is nice, but it doesn't guarantee that you will enter heaven. What can guarantee that you will is that all your sins have been forgiven by God. (Hint: Christ is our only answer.)