In looking at the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, we see soldiers taking aim at their enemies and wiping them all out with the push of a button, fast and mercilessly. We who are so precious and meant so much to the Father see no value in human life anymore. If I feel sad, how infinitely more must our heavenly Father feels. I guess I shouldn't be shocked when our society thinks nothing of killing a baby in the mother's womb. God died for us so that we may live, but we kill others so that we may live or simply for our convenience. I still pray for God's mercy on all of us, but I don't think we'll be able to avoid any chastisement coming unless we all convert.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Saturday, April 30, 2022
****Christ Makes Us Fearless
In today's Gospel reading from John 6, in the dark evening when the disciples were in their boat on the sea that had been stirred up by a strong wind, they saw Jesus walking on the sea toward them. They began to be afraid, but he said to them, "It is I. Do not be afraid." How good to hear these words from the Lord! He would say exactly the same to us who follow him whenever we are afraid of something. Let him make us fearless!
*First Step Required for Salvation (A Warning)
If you ever wish to be saved, awakening to your sinful state is a must and the starting point. Otherwise, you would die in sin, something to avoid at all costs, for the consequence is most dire. An old Chinese proverb says, "One step in the wrong direction will cause you a thousand years of regret." Except in our case, it would last a lot longer than a thousand years.
**Real Tragedy of the World
The tragedy of this world in troubled times like ours is that so many people still live just for themselves. They busily do all kinds of things to enrich themselves and try to have fun too. But one thing they lack is true joy in the heart. So basically, it's much ado about nothing. It's sad that with closed hearts, they don't get to experience the deep joy of knowing Christ. The are to be pitied.
Friday, April 29, 2022
***Ingenious Sacrament
Communion experience. The Holy Eucharist is a most ingenious sacrament. I can't think of a better way for us to achieve intimate union with the Lord in this physical world. Thanks and Praise be to God!
***What We Need to Live By
In Matthew 4, Jesus responded to his tempter, the devil, by quoting Deuteronomy: One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. It's true that if we eat only ordinary bread, we still die one day. But if we "eat up" every word that comes forth from the Lord, we shall have life forever!
*****Best Place to Dwell in*
Today's Psalm response from Psalm 27: One Thing I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord. If the Lord dwells in you, you dwell in his house as well, and what a joy it is to dwell in his house! You are with the Lord, being shield from all evil and refreshed continuously by the Holy Spirit. You now remain clean in his presence and enjoy complete freedom in him. There is not another place I'd rather be in.
**Communion of Saints
Today is the Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena. I rejoice that we have so many great saints in heaven on our side. We can ask them to bless us, guide us, watch over us, and intercede for us. Favorite saints are too many to mention. Our Blessed Mother is at the top of my list, followed St. John, the Apostle, and St. Thérèse, the Little Flower. How can we ever be lonely?
Thursday, April 28, 2022
****One-Two of the Spiritual Warrior
Two most important things we urgently need to do in these days of end times. (1) Pray unceasingly. (2) Be holy. The two are to go hand in hand to be effective. Abandon yourself in God and it's easily accomplished.
**Looking at Life Again*
Here's another view. We are on earth now. Time is ticking away, while we continue sinning. Soon life will be over and we face the Lord. The first thing he's going to look into is how much we lived for ourselves and how much for him, while we're on earth. Then it's all over. All this may sound rather gloomy, but I am truly being realistic. I am being far-sighted and wise too.
*Understanding the Crucifix
I went to Mass at the Mt. St. Joseph Chapel this morning and again saw the large crucifix hanging on the wall behind the altar. If you don't know the Lord, you would see one hanging helplessly on a cross. But if you know him and know why he willingly gave himself up, you'd see him full of glory and strength, and most of all, his love for us. Finally, he rose from the dead and triumphed over sin and evil!
***Ego Our Spiritual Enemy
Ego can be a huge burden on our soul, as pride is the worst enemy of spiritual growth. Starve it every chance you get. You can not soar to God if you are weighed down by your ego.
****Best Gift for the Lord
Communion experience. I receive the greatest gift from God, the Lord himself. So what can I give to him in return? Since everything I have came from him, including myself, all I can give him is my obedience. And he is pleased with this. The Lord doesn't ask for much and is easy to please.
****Christians Don't Die!
For the Christian, death is not becoming nothing or falling asleep forever or entering into some unknown. Instead, it's awakening to a new life in God, becoming more alive than ever to live the blissful life in paradise with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christians now live on forever with their Lord, Jesus Christ! Get ready while you still have time.
**Heeding God's Calling
If you hate your sins, then God is calling you. It's time to totally turn to him. The following video message can help.
**One Wish Before Death
We usually have something we'd like to do as much as possible before we die. It can be traveling, collecting stamps, woodworking, volunteer work, etc. Having resumed attending daily Mass, I'd like to receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist as often as possible before I die, for I realize that this Holy Sacrament is the most precious gift the Lord has given us to help us attain union with him.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
****Secret of Rapid Spiritual Progress****
Back in the 1970s when I was active in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement, I was amazed how fast I progressed spiritually when God did the work for you. Years later, God seemed to withdraw from me to let me stand more on my own feet. Eventually, I realized that he's actually calling me to surrender myself to him even more on the contrary, for the more you submit yourself to him, the more he is free to do the work for you! This is the whole secret.
***Best Way of Knowing God***
Go straight to Christ with total abandonment, not seeking signs, miracles or any affirmation. When the Lord sees such single-minded faith, he'll reveal himself to you quickly. This is the safest and most expedient way of knowing God.