When you surrender yourself totally to God, your estrangement from him is no more, now everything about you is made right, and heaven rejoices. This is the best thing you can possibly do for both God and yourself!
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Sunday, January 5, 2025
***Best Thing You Can Do***
***Sharing God's Joy*
Let the love of Christ overwhelm you completely and you'll receive the joy that lasts forever!
**Sharpening Our Conscience**
Only by knowing Christ and God's love for us shall we be able to discern clearly what's right and what's wrong.
***What Following Christ Entails
A Christian in union with Christ is always joyful and content; he does not complain about anything. Suffering will be his only burden when he sees the world offending the Lord, then he will offer it up to him to console him. Following Christ is to be with him every step of the way.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
***Relationsiop with God Test
Christ Jesus is to be enjoyed and appreciated now and forever. If you don't experience much joy with him, your relationship with him is still not quite up to par yet.
***Definitive Proclamation*
Today is the Memorial of St. Elizebeth Ann Seton. John 6:51 is the Communion antiphon: I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord. Whoever eats this bread will live forever; the bread I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world. Here is one definitive statement made by Christ. The message is so clear that to reject it, you'll have to know that Christ totally didn't know what he's talking about or it's because your pride has blinded your mind's eye.
Friday, January 3, 2025
*****One Worth Dying For*****
One burger joint named Murder Burger used to advertise that their burgers were to die for. Classical music lovers talk about music-to-die-for recordings. Of course, here something to die for simply means something you really like or want, not something that's truly worth dying for. The only exception is Christ our Lord and our God. For if you are willing to die for him, you'll surly inherit eternal life! Live for him and you live forever! The one who has died for us purely out of love is the one truly worth dying for.
**Revealing Detail*
In today's Gospel reading from John 1, John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He is the one of whom I said, 'A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'" Although John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus, since he knew who Jesus really was, it's correct for him to say that Jesus existed before him. The Lord God had revealed the truth to John.
*****Warning Against Laxity*****
According to St. Teresa of Avila, a bad confession can land a Catholic in hell. My point is that in dealing with the Lord God with our soul at stake, we must not take any chance. There are many who think that they are basically good people and God is not going to care about every little thing they do that might not be right—well, their are dead wrong here! The Lord God is merciful, but that doesn't mean that he should lower standards. Remember that he did ask us to be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect! He remains fair and just, and we must take him seriously. In fact, for the sake of securing our soul for eternity, it'd be wise to over-prepare ourselves for our final judgment. If we don't need the extra merit earned ourselves, the Lord can always use it to benefit other souls.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
*****Urgent Advice to All*****
Lately, I have blogged that God is always calling us. Anytime you do something and lose peace, it's the Lord trying to get your attention. He wants you to turn to him to seek help and guidance from him. What I want to add here is that if you persist in remaining hard-hearted, the Lord would have no choice but to get your attention by doing something like hitting you on the head, so to speak. When that happens, it won't be pleasant and may even shock you! So be smart and turn to him list it happens to you. Although God is even capable of giving you a last chance to choose him when you're on death bed, I wouldn't take that chance. It's total foolery to push the Lord to the point of losing your eternal life altogether! Amen.
**Abandonment to God*
Communion experience. You just let the Lord draw you to him as close as possible, letting him do whatever he wishes with you, knowing that you'll always receive the very best from him. Trust in God is the fountainhead of our peace.
***Ready to Go to God***
Once you attain union with God through the Holy Eucharist, you know you are ready to go to him. Then your time may not be up yet; nevertheless, you feel good about it!
***Proper Way to See Christ***
He is our God, creator, and Savior, who wishes to transform us into a new creature fit to enter heaven. As the eternal truth that has always existed, he is to be discovered, believed in, loved and worshipped with all our heart. So we must never ignore him, doubt him, or offend him in any way.
***Amazing, Unique Power***
Today's psalm response from Psalm 98: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God. Any power we have is incompetence compared to God's. Of all his powers, his saving power is unique, for only he can save us from sin, and extraordinary, for it's purely motivated by love. How good it is to have a living God and Father who loves us so!
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
***Secret to Inner Peace*
Give Christ your heart and mind and ask him to root out all your impure desires and plant pure ones in you, and he'll easily accomplish that for you.
***Three Inherent Needs**
Today's is the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. We all need a perfect father, and the Lord God, our creator, is that Father. We all need a perfect mother, and Holy Mary, the Blessed Virgin, is that Mother. Then we need a perfect friend and soulmate, and Jesus, our Savior, is that friend and soulmate. There you have all these inherent needs met.
**Salvation 101*
God always loves us; we sinners are free to love or reject him. If we love him, we'll be welcomed to return to him. If not, we'll get ourselves cast out by him forever.
**First Supplication of the Year**
In our secular society, the family is no longer a strong unit. Late last night just before New Year began, I learned of the sad breakup in a family I know. Essentially, you have the grandparents wrangling with the son's family. Normally, in such a situation, caring relatives and friends would offer a lot of secular advice. Unfortunately, without including God, this kind of conflict just cannot be resolved fully without a change of heart on all those involved. And God is the only one who can fundamentally change our hearts! I'd like to start the New Year off by praying that he will shield all families in the world from attacks by the Evil One.