"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

*****Inevitable Endings (Another Warning)**

         Time marches on and we are getting closer and closer to facing the Lord to be evaluated by him. Think of living your life as making a movie that's going to be reviewed and rated by him. The finished work will be either added to his collection or tossed into the furnace. Think about it and be ready.

Monday, July 15, 2024

***Trump's Assassination Attempt Prophesied***

        This morning, I posted God Saved Trump. I just came across this brand new LifeSiteNews video titled Prophecy Unveiled: Pastor's Vision of Trump's Assassination Attempt. I think you'll find it very interesting. Here it is.

**The Lord Incredibly Good!

        Communion experience. Still hard for me to believe that my Lord could be this good to me. Hence I believe in him even more.

***What's Most Exciting*****

        There is nothing more exciting than letting the Lord God make us holy. Normally, we don't believe that this would be possible, so we don't think about it. Then we realize that this is what the Lord seriously wants from us and nothing is impossible for him, we submit ourselves to him completely and voilĂ , we discover that he can actually change us fundamentally, and moreover, there is no limit to how far we can go. We then get excited—the unbelievable is now real! When we follow God, the outcome can only be success!

***Becoming Better Lovers

        When we love God, our love for others becomes purer and less self-centered. You see, God is all love and most holy, and when we are influenced by him, we can't help but want to love others the way he loves us. Loving God makes us become like him. 

***God Saved Trump*****

        By now, the whole world knows that Trump has survived the assassination attempt made on him at a rally in Pennsylvania two days ago. Slow motion videos have now shown that just before the bullet struck, Trump tilted his head to the left enough for the bullet to pierce his right ear instead. I along with many others believe that God did intervene, for he still had work for him to accomplish on earth. The Lord holds all those who trust in him in his loving hands—praise him now and forever!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

**Letting God Make Us Genuine**

         We become genuinely ourselves when we attain union with God and are set free. Conversely, when we remain out of tune with God, we develop a fake self and become unhappy with both life and ourselves.

***Why We Need God***

         God is forever holy while we need him to become holy.

***Today's Joy:

My Lord can make me whiter than snow.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

**To the Proud:

         This perhaps is more a man thing because I see men often don't admit that they are wrong after they've made a mistake—it probably has something to do with a macho ego. This lack of humility makes repentance difficult, thus blocking the way to salvation. Know that God humbles the proud and exalts the humble.

***Existence Completed***

         Communion experience. When you have Christ, you have no more fears nor worries; he's now your only focus. Union with him completes your existence.

***Our Peace*

         Two days ago, I declared that God is our hope. Today I'd like to add that God is also peace.

***The Lord Teaching Us

         In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 10, Jesus said to his Apostles, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." So if your soul is safe with the Lord, you should not be afraid of anything anymore! Who cares how or when you're going to die when you'll be with God forever? Jesus also said, "Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father." Now you know exactly how to get accepted by the heavenly Father. If you get denied by him later, you have only yourself to blame. The Lord is showing us how to be smart here!

***Resorting to Prayer Always*

         Prayer can be most powerful. In Mark 9, Jesus healed a boy possessed by a demon. When the disciples asked him why they could not drive it out, Jesus told them that this kind could only come out by prayer. So we should always resort to prayer. Whenever we wish to honor the Lord and don't have the means to accomplish that, we can turn to prayer. Coupled with deep faith, prayer is surely a Christian's best friend and weapon for fighting evil.

***Finding Rest in God***

         I have quoted this famous saying by St. Augustine quite a number of times in the past. It came to me again today. Here it is: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." First of all, this is absolutely true. Secondly, to rest in God is to submit yourself to him 100%, for If you fall short by even a tiny percentage, you'll still experience some unrest. But once you hit 100%, you'll taste peace and freedom and not want to fall short again.

***Minding Our Business Only***

         Since God alone is our judge, we should not ever judge others. It follows that we should not ever compare ourselves with anyone else either. Our only business should be to make sure that we pass God's judgment. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

***Lamentable State of the World

        The world is in total disorder. Just look at his country alone, evildoers spread lies and hatred, destroying the country and society in the process, in order to remain in power. The battle between the good and the evil has never been so clear. God has given each of us a conscience and these evil ones have already lost theirs. When you lose your conscience, you lose your soul as well. 

***Be Saints for God in Secret***

         We all should be saints for God's sake and known to him only. A true saint couldn't care less about being recognized, let alone venerated. We cannot love God and also ourselves (or the world).