"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

****Most Important Decision to Make

        In this sinful world, it's so easy to ignore God and lose your soul forever. But for those who have looked into Christ and chosen to give themselves to him, their souls are secured for all eternity. Now you decide what to do with yourself. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

***Accepting What's from God Only (a Challenge)***

        What comes to us are either from God or from the Evil One. In the former case, we get drawn closer to the Lord; in the latter, we get prompted to sin. Example of an evil influence: A pop singer garners legions of fans, but the music and performance are basically impure that they pull them away from God. The way to free ourselves of such influences is to discern them and cut them off early at the outset. Of course, in a secular society like ours, this hardly happen, especially among the impressionable younger generation. The best solution is to seek union with the Lord first, then you'll be strong enough to ward off all evil influences which to you now are all abhorrent. 

***The Christian Way

        If we are to love Gold with all our heart, we are to do everything from our heart. It follows that we are to think, speak, pray, love, and behave always from the heart. It means that a Christian is always genuine and trustworthy, reflecting God's glory. This way you live with a clear conscience in peace.

****A Most Beautiful Thing Is . . .

to trust in the truth wholeheartedly with zero doubt, and that truth is Jesus Christ to whom you can even entrust your soul.. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

***Face of Jesus***

         The face of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin has been brought to life. You can view many other videos on Widerperspective Productions.

***Making Loving God Easy

        When you let the Lord love you, you want to do everything in his name because you now love him more than anything else.

****Making God Hear You

        When you love the Lord, he is "obligated" to hear you now. 

***Fear of Judgment Vanished***

        After morning Mass, I remained in the chapel alone with the Lord. As this is Independence Day weekend, not many came to Mass and those who did left early. I had the chance to remain completely open to the Lord to be in full communion with him—all my fear of judgment vanished! Be on good terms with the Lord and you don't need to be concerned about judgment day anymore. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

**Responding to God

         Communion experience. The Lord is now all mine; I am ready to do my small part as best I can.

***Upright Living***

        Live each day as if it were the only day that's worth living for. More specifically, live it selflessly for the sake of Christ alone. This is making the best use of your time on earth to honor God and live in peace. 

***All Except the Lord Are Distractions*

        In the homily this morning at Mass, I heard Fr. Steve say that everything but Christ is a distraction. I thought that was so true. Imagine how much time we waste on distractions. Focus our whole attention on the Lord and let everything else flow from it. This awareness you gain, once you attain union with God through the Holy Eucharist.  

***At Our Next Meeting with Christ (a Warning)***

        Christ is our Savior and we know that he is most loving and merciful. But when you meet him next, he'll strictly be your Judge and you can't ask for mercy or forgiveness then anymore! So make sure now that you'll get the best welcome, not the worse rejection, of your entire existence at judgment time. Your judgment is as critical to you as your salvation.

****Christ the Right One*

        Today I feel extra good that I have Christ the LORD to follow and treasure. He is so perfect for me that I know that without him, I would be absolutely lost, for he is the only truth out there! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

*****Most Satisfying, Fulfilling Experience*****

        At Mass this morning, I resolved to completely empty myself to let the Lord fill me with whatever he wished, knowing that he would always give me the best. And, of course, receiving the Holy Eucharist later was going to strengthen my union with him further. So this great opening up of the self leads to the most intimate possible bonding with God—there can't be anything more satisfying and fulfilling!

Monday, July 1, 2024

**Time to Say Goodbye

        Communion experience. Once you have the Lord in you, you are ready to say goodbye to the world.

**Repentance Is . . .

 the best medicine for the soul.        

***Judgment Reveals We're Saved or Not*

        If we take our salvation seriously, then we must take our judgment seriously too. In Matthew 7:21, Jesus says "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." At judgment time, we find out if we are saved or not. So Christians must not slack off. Growing holier daily is the antidote to being influenced by Satan. 

***Avoid Evil Totally

        Today many politicians, church officials, and lay people are serving Satan and remain firmly so. You can say that they have already reached the point of no return, and if true, it'd be absolutely tragic. It's literally throwing your life away by ignoring God's infinite mercy. It's best that we remain firmly in the Lord so that evil won't be able to touch us. We should always turn away from evil, not because we are afraid of it, but because this is the smart way to ward it off.