"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

***Necessary Realization***

        Christ is our Lord, our God, and our creator all right.. We must also realize that he is the one we need to rely upon for both our existence and our eternal happiness.

***Guide to Beng a Good Christian***

        Everything we do comes down to whether it pleases Christ or not. Of course, to please him is to love him by obeying him. To be a good Christian life, this is basically all we need to know.

Monday, June 17, 2024

***Know God's Plan for Us*

        Each of us was created by the Lord God to play a unique role in his plan. He knows each of us thoroughly and how we can each glorify him in the best possible way. If we are open to him, we'll know how to carry out his will and be rewarded with eternal life in heaven. If not, we simply become disrupters, creating disorder, and will get duly punished in the end.

***Eternal Life Ensured

       We are just passing thru this world. If we don't watch out, by the time we leave here, we could have been ensnared by the world (Satan) already and be heading to condemnation. Therefore, attain union with Christ thru the Holy Eucharist to remain holy, undefiled by the world, so that our eternal life may remain intact.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

***Becoming Perfect Like God

        Since God the Father has made us in his image, he can make us perfect like him. We can get started by seeking to attain union with him thru the Holy Eucharist now and become perfect in our next life. 

***Proper Way of Serving God***

        With God we must go all out and all the away, for he never holds back in loving us! This is loving him with all our heart, with all our strength, and with all our soul. It's forgetting all about ourselves and abandoning ourselves totally to him.

***We Need God Our Father****

        Today's Communion antiphon, Psalms 27.4: One thing I ask of the LORDthis I seek: To dwell in the LORD’s house all the days of my life. We feet at home in our own body or comfortable in our own home, but we need to dwell in the Father's house or remain in him even more, for only he can save us, and without him we'll simply perish

***To Our Heavenly Father

        It is Father's day today. Since we have such a great, perfect, loving, and holy Father in heaven, every day for us should be Father's Day.  

Saturday, June 15, 2024

**Jesus Changes Our Plight

       In Matthew 7, Jesus said, "How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few." This is true if you do not know Christ. In John 11, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." And later in John 14, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." So once you know the Lord, the picture completely changes. We are now in that lucky position.

***Be Invulnerable to Satan

         At morning Mass today, Fr. Steve mentioned one saint saying essentially that if your are not enslaved to anything of the world, Satan would have a hard time finding a weakness to exploit. So attach yourself to the Lord God alone to become invulnerable to Satan's attacks.

Friday, June 14, 2024

**Two Spiritual Laws**

      1. You believe in Christ and know that you have eternal life . . . you experience profound peace and great joy.   

       2. You repent of you sins to God and he takes them away . . . you receive great peace.


**Worldly Pleasures vs. God's Joy**

        Worldly pleasures are invasive, for they lure and enslave you. Eventually, they become tiresome. On the other hand, the joy of the Lord is purely there for you to enjoy in freedom and remains forever refreshing. 

***Keeping My Faith Simple*

         The Lord just wants us to believe in him, trust in him, and obey him, and our salvation will be assured. Today there are many teachings out there from various sources, some of which are downright confusing or contradictory. And there are also prophecies galore. They are interesting, but do we really need to heed them all? I don't think so because first of all, that would be impossible. Besides, many of them could be false. If not following them can make us perish, that shouldn't make any difference to us who are ready to go to the Lord. So I am just going to adhere mainly to Jesus sayings, using the Church catechism as my guide if need be. 

***Be Holy First . . .***

         You are not free to love God if you are still enslaved to sin. Be holy to enjoy great freedom in loving God.

***Praising God's Love***

        There is no one but the God of christ who can love us with such a great, powerful love that makes us anew, melts our hearts, heals our souls, fulfills all our desires, frees our spirits from all bondage, and fills us with joy and peace. We are indeed most blessed!

*****Stark Truth to Know*****

         If you are not happy for whatever reason, I daresay it's because you do not have Christ yet. He's really the only one who can fulfill us in every way. You have him, you have everything. Without him, you wouldn't even exist. This is the simple truth we all need to realize. 

***Basic Message***

        Christ is our Savior so that anyone who believes in him will be saved from sin. Then not everyone reaches the point of loving your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul. So it makes sense that purgatory exists to purify those less perfect ones before entering heaven. It also makes sense that some will be glorified more than others in heaven. As for those who never had the chance to know Christ, the Lord being fair will know exactly how to judge them. The worse case will be for those who believed in Christ once, but have now rejected him.  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

***Freedom of Belonging to God***

        When you belong to God, you become his and don't need to own and hold onto anything anymore, for you now have the Lord himself and will have all his inexhaustible riches to enjoy later in paradise.