"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

***Union of Hearts

        Communion experience. The Lord drew me heart right into his Most Sacred Heart. 

**How Important Are We to God?*

        We know God loves us, so we are important to him. But do we really know how important we are to him? Probably not, but we can be sure that we more important to him than we can possibly imagine. The fact that he died for us alone tells me how precious we are to him. Meditate on this often and you'll be so happy about yourself and never ever feel sorry for yourself again.  

***Learning from the Lord***

         In today's Gospel reading from Mathew 5, Jesus said to his disiples, "You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment . . . and whoever says, 'You fool,' will be liable to fiery Gehenna." The Lord set high standards here. We all get angry with someone or think someone is foolish. I think Jesus is referring to doing it condemningly or mercilessly. The bottom line is that if we do not judge anyone and do all things always out of love, we should be OK.
          The Lord also said, "
If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." We should settle with our brothers and sisters before we settle with the Lord God. This makes perfect senses. Let it be a "revelation" to us.  

***Be Ready for Salvation

        When you ask the Lord to have mercy on you, you are acknowledging that you are a sinner and need him to save you, and that you depend upon him totally. If you don't feel you need his mercy, then you are not ready to be saved yet.

***The Lord Our Refuge***

        Living in this secular world, you see so much rebellion against the Lord God going on, and you can't help feeling sorry for him. Sure, you can say that we should always trust in him and not to worry for him ever. This is correct, but if you love him and are totally with him, you feel his suffering intensely and that you should do something to soothe him as best you can. This drives me to enter even deeper into him who is my only refuge. This means deeper prayer, greater devotion, more perfect obedience, and more intimate union with him. After all, he's the one in charge and is our own hope. But we certainly can show that we truly love him and wish to ease his suffering as much as possible.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

*****Incredible LOVE and HUMILITY**

        Communion experience. The Lord let me see that he's my Lord and also my servant!

***Experiencing God's Presence***

        When we kneel in front of the tabernacle in a church, it's easy to feel the holy presence of God. But since God transcends both space and time, he is always present. And you can experience his holy Presence no matter where you are at all times, once you've attained union with him thru the Holy Eucharist. 

**The Only Trustworthy One**

        It is the God of Christ, for he is the truth, speaks only the truth and, loves us with an everlasting love.

****We Determine Our Eternal Future*

        God always loves us, but we are free to accept or reject him. Know that how we treat the Lord in this life will determine how he'll treat us in our next life. If we trust in him now, he'll trust in us later. If we ignore his will now, he'll ignore ours later. All this is being fair and square, for he has already died for us so that we may have life forever. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

***How to Lose God***

        Easy . . . just play him.

***God's Infinite Love for Us*******

        If you could genuinely feel God's love for you for a split second, you'd be so overwhelmed that you want to die right away to live with him forever.  

***Good Habit***

        See to it that every act you perform is an act of obedience to the Lord God. 

***Hanging by a Thread

         All sinners are hanging by a thread in this life on earth. If they do not repent or turn to Christ, once the thread snaps, they'll sink to the deepest possible depth. For those who follow Christ the Savior, that thread turns into a strong unbreakable cord so long as they keep their faith in him. This is the big difference to be aware of.

Monday, June 10, 2024

*****Know Your Realities

        Reality 1: We were made in the image of the holy God, but have fallen into sin. We'll be judged by him at the time of our death or at his Second coming; he'll measure us against his own sanctity. If we fall short, we'll be condemned forever. Reality 2: God so loved us that he gave his only own Son, Jesus, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). This is great news for us! So if we accept Reality 2, we needn't be concerned about Reality 1 anymore. I pray that if you're not following Jesus yet, you would take this message most seriously. 

**The LORD Our Guard*

        From today's Psalm 121, we heard read: The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your life. The LORD will guard your coming and your going, both now and forever. The LORD loves me and knows all about me, so if I trust in him, of course he's going to guard me so that he'll never lose me.

**Christ the Fountainhead of Peace*

        I looked forward to attending Mass this morning because I was going to receive Christ the Lord who would make me clean and whole for me to experience his wonderful peace. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

**Ultimate Fulfillment

        Communion experience. I receive peace now and for ever. 

***Either All God or No God***

        We are either for Christ or not for Christ. We live either a Christ-centered life or a self-centered one. We either love God or the world. It's either all God or no God. A person can preach Christ or share his testimony with others and his ego surfaces, then it's no longer all Christ. This is often not felt by all outright, but it's there. As we grow spiritually, we must learn to "promote" only the Lord and not ourselves. We decrease to let the Lord increase.