"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, May 27, 2024

***Willingness and Intention Count

        In today's Gospel reading from Mark 10, a rich man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Since he had already observed all the commandments from his youth, Jesus said to him, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." At that statement, his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. If this advice were given to us, would we be saddened? Most of us do live with other family members who depend on you, so selling what you have and give to the poor is practically impossible. Now, suppose you were alone and free to do whatever you want with your possessions, and you're willing to do what Jesus had suggested, then that should satisfy him. Final thought: Since no one can truly follow the Lord perfectly, every one of us is outwardly a hypocrite to some extent. But if our intention is always good, he will overlook that.

***Developing a Beautiful Relationship***

        Talk to God as often as possible and always pour your heart out to him each time you do. He will then reciprocate. A beautiful intimate relationship now begins.

***Jesus' Most Impressive Attribute*

        Jesus is Lord and God to us. He is holy and perfect; omnipotent and all-knowing. He is also our brother, best friend, and servant. What impresses me and makes me appreciate him the most is his selfless pure love for us. This is what we depend upon for our very existence and eternal salvation.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

**Made Rich by God

        Communion experience. Jesus is all mine. I am now the "richest" person in the whole world! 

***So Good to Believe in Christ

        He loves me! He's always for me! He forgives my sins. He grants me eternal life! He understands me perfectly. And nothing is impossible with him! That's plenty good enough for me.

***God of Impossibility

         When we have the God of Christ, it would be impossible for us to go to hell, to ever feel lonely, to ever despair, to worry about things, to become impatient, to hate anyone, to judge others, to not love anyone, to think evil, to commit other sins, to be deceived by Satan, to be enslaved by the world . . . ad inf.

***The Great Union

        We are all different from each other, yet we can become one if we all attain union with our Lord, our greatest unifier. 

*Why No Judging Others

        The Lord God is the only one who can see what's in our hearts, so we have no right to judge anyone but ourselves.  

***Easy Way to Please God and Yourself***

        A happy post after the last one. If you have a contrite heart, feel free to approach the Lord God at any time. He's ready to forgive, console, and heal you! Take advantage of his love and mercy for you and rejoice!

***Later than Yoy Think!***

        Very sad that I must post this urgent message. Christians have fallen away from God so much so that they no longer realize how bad the state they are in. When you have been so captivated by the world and lost your faith in God, you with a muddy conscience no longer see good and evil clearly—you are already in the danger zone. You think that your are doing OK, while in reality you are headed towards eternal damnation. When almost everyone else feels the same, it's truly a bleak situation. We must realize that we are sinking fast, and turning to Christ is our only hope.

***How to Know It's Not from the Lord***

        The Devil is very tricky. He can make things happen in such a way as to make you think that God has planned it that way. If believing it all you want and you feel only turmoil, it's a big red light warning you that all is not from the Lord. Extricate yourself from the situation ASAP or you'll sink deep into it. When the Lord leads you to do something, saying yes to him may not be easy. But once you agree to go along with him, you'll always experience peace. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

***Becoming Impervious to Evil

        Communion experience. Jesus made me ready for anything. Once you have the Lord, nothing can harm your soul anymore.  

**Awaiting Jesus' Coming

        The world just doesn't get it. Not only persecution of Christians is on the rise, Satanic worship and blasphemies are becoming common. I pray that Christ will come soon, not to judge us yet, but to warn us out of his mercy. Perhaps the prophesied illumination of conscience might just be the thing.     

***Overwhelming Joy of Christ*

          As Christians, our duty is to share and spread the good news about Christ worldwide. In reality, the joy of Christ is so great that we feel compelled to do it, duty or no duty.

***Happiest Person***

        This is the one who obeys the Lord totally, for he is blameless!

*****The Right Focus***

      It's much better to focus upon what God can do for us than what we should do for him, for without him inspiring us, we cannot do anything great.

**God IS Our Heavenly Father!**

         In today's Gospel reading from Mark 10, Jesus said to his disciples that "whoever does mot accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." We were all little children at one time, then for many of us our faith waned or disappeared as we grew up in this secular world. But the fact is that we'll always be children to God our heavenly Father! It would be right for us to become like children to him now as we're on our way returning to him. 

**Our Greatness Depends Upon . . .

how obedient we are to God, not upon how many great things we've done for him.