"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

**Awaiting Jesus' Coming

        The world just doesn't get it. Not only persecution of Christians is on the rise, Satanic worship and blasphemies are becoming common. I pray that Christ will come soon, not to judge us yet, but to warn us out of his mercy. Perhaps the prophesied illumination of conscience might just be the thing.     

***Overwhelming Joy of Christ*

          As Christians, our duty is to share and spread the good news about Christ worldwide. In reality, the joy of Christ is so great that we feel compelled to do it, duty or no duty.

***Happiest Person***

        This is the one who obeys the Lord totally, for he is blameless!

*****The Right Focus***

      It's much better to focus upon what God can do for us than what we should do for him, for without him inspiring us, we cannot do anything great.

**God IS Our Heavenly Father!**

         In today's Gospel reading from Mark 10, Jesus said to his disciples that "whoever does mot accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." We were all little children at one time, then for many of us our faith waned or disappeared as we grew up in this secular world. But the fact is that we'll always be children to God our heavenly Father! It would be right for us to become like children to him now as we're on our way returning to him. 

**Our Greatness Depends Upon . . .

how obedient we are to God, not upon how many great things we've done for him.        

****Becoming Free in God****

        Let the Lord occupy all of you, so you follow him in all things and at all times. You are now free as the Lord takes care of you in every way. (I don't mean that you do not do anything anymore; you still do all the things, but you now do all for the Lord's sake in peace and with joy. It has to do with having the right mindset.)

Friday, May 24, 2024

**Know Where You're Headed.

        If an evildoer dies and ends up in hell, that's sad but justifiable. Then there are people who live pretty happy lives, but never think about God or death much. After they die, they might or might not get into heaven. If not, that to me would be sadder. Know that anytime you wonder if there is a God or what life after death will be like, it's the Lord calling you. Do not dismiss that inner voice but look into Jesus the Savior. Once you believe and follow him, you'll know the whole truth with eternal life assured. Never head towards any unknown.

**Absolute Security in Christ*

        Communion experience. My heart now is all Jesus'. I feel absolute security in the Lord.                  

**Taking Jesus'' Words Seriously

        We must take all Jesus' sayings to us most seriously, for they directly affect us. We are not to interpret them in any way to our liking, for the truth remains the same always. We as clay are to be molded and shaped by the Lord to his liking.    

***How lo Love God to the Max*

        The Lord God already loves us to the max, so it's our turn to love him back to the max. How can we achieve this? The simple but not always obvious way is to remain open fully to let him love us to the max. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

*****Request God Always Honors**

         When you ask the Lord to make you holy, this is like music to his ears, for it's what he desires the most to hear from you. He will fulfill your wish 100% with delight and fill you with peace and joy! This is reading God's mind to get exalted by him. The whole heaven rejoices along! You now begin living an exciting and vibrant new life.

**Cup Totally Filled*

         Communion experience. It's so satisfying that I don't desire anything else anymore.

***Those Who Are Asleep

        They are the Christians who do not believe that the Lord is really present in the Holy Eucharist. For Catholics, if they don't believe, they are not really Catholic anymore. 

*****Living the Real Christian Life*****

        To live the most productive and rewarding Christian life, center on the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Go directly to him at all times for all things, no pussyfooting around. Cast all your cares upon him. He's even more precious to us than our own life, for he is the life! Realize that without him, we are nothing, and with him, we are everything to him.

**Sins That Affect Others*

        In today's Gospel reading from Mark 9, Jesus said fo his disciples, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea." We sin, but we may not realize that sometimes our sinning also causes others to sin, and our sin now is a lot more serious than we thought. Always consider how your action would affect others. Better yet, consider how you'd affect the Lord God. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

*****Inspiring Talk

         Watch this short message from Mar Mari Emmanuel recorded in 2009. He has been steadfast in proclaiming the Lordship of Christ. We ought to be just as zealous!

**Confidence in God's Love**

        Communion experience. To receive the Lord is to receive the power of his infinite love, so nothing should be impossible for us now! God has redeemed us, certainly he'll do many other things for us when our intention is good and pure. Trust in his love.