"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

****Unique Belief****

        Believing in Jesus is one of a kind; unlike other beliefs, it has serious consequences. Let me just list some of the positives ones: Your sins are forgiven; you are going to heaven; you no longer fear death; you are set free from the world; you can forgive all others and want to share the good news with them; you experience peace and joy; you never feel lonely anymore; you don't worry about anything and sleep well . . . There is not another belief that can help you achieve one of the above listed, and there's a lot more. 

***Overcoming Suffering

        We live in a sinful world and suffering is unavoidable. I'm being realistic to say that for the Christian, life is serving God sprinkled with sufferings. But suffering for Christ's sake is a joy, for it's triumphing over Satan! The Lord will never give us sufferings beyond our endurance, and accepting our cross unites us to him even more, glorifying him. I just watched another video on the Shroud of Turin and realized how horribly Christ had suffered for us. Why? It's because he loves us—there are just no other possible, logical answers! So welcome your sufferings bravely and overcome them with the Lord's help, while eternal happiness awaits.

**Way to Take Care of Eternal Future

        Our final impression of anyone or any place is formed by all the many separate impressions we have of that person or place. This brings me to saying that all the thoughts, words, and deeds we execute before God as a whole will determine our eternal future. Living for Christ alone will take care of this problem.  

Monday, May 6, 2024

***Schubert's Ave Maria

        A beautiful rendition by a young Briton named Dylan. (Check out my other Ave Maria videos listed under Good Websites, Blogs, Videos . . .  in the right sidebar.)

**Condition for God to Hear You

        To be sure that the Lord hears you, make sure that you are sincere and that he can trust you. 

***Shedding the World for God

        How can we detach ourselves from the world so that we may attach ourselves to God, the God of Christ? This change will happen only when you find God more attractive than the world. I dare say that all of us at some point in life realize more or less that the world cannot truly make us happy. This is the moment God is calling you to take a look at him, a moment of grace. So don't pass it up, don't close the door. Remain open and passive and he'll reveal himself to you in time. How long is that going to take? It could be an instant or years, depending upon how receptive you are. Just know that Christ is always ready and waiting, and you have only your lifetime to make the change.

***Serious Business*

        If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you must take him seriously. You must trust all his words without reservation and go all the way with him! Remember the greatest and the first commandment he has given us? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Do yout best to meet this challenge and your reward will be tremendous!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

***Lukewarm Preaching*

        Jesus is our Savior, the head of his Church, and we are his body. He is the one we should live for, die for, and follow solely with all our soul, mind, and strength; yet he is not preached much. We hear sermons preaching more or less about him or how we should love him. As a result, such messages are easily forgotten. To be able to draw all to Christ thru his power, we need to preach him boldly with fire and fervor.

Friday, May 3, 2024

**End Times Urgency

        As sinners, we have turned our world into a hell while on our way to hell. For the time being, Satan seems to have gained much control of the world, even fracturing and greatly weakening the Church (Go on https://www.lifesitenews.com/ to learn about what a sad state both the world and the Church are in.) It's time for us remnant followers of Christ to become extra obedient to him and to pray extra hard. The call to become holy to fight alongside the Lord is more urgent than ever. 

*A Special Feeling

        Communion experience. I attend morning Mass at the local Mount St. Joseph Chapel on weekdays. On average, around ten attendees show up. Today, I saw no other cars in the parking lot and thought perhaps there's no Mass. It turned out that I was the entire congregation there for Mass, and I got that special feeling. Fr. Steve said the whole Mass for me. After receiving the Lord, I didn't say any special prayers—I just remained still in the Lord, cherishing his company.  

Thursday, May 2, 2024

**Going Back to God Easy

        Going downhill is always easier than going uphill, and tearing down a house a lot easier than building one. Falling away from God is super easy, but going back to him can be super easy if you are awakened to the need for returning to him. You simply turn to him, repent your sins, and ask him to forgive you, and you are right back with him. Many people accomplish this in their last moments of life. This is indeed good news! With God there is always hope, and he always makes things easy for you!

**Perfect peace

        Communion experience. The peace you feel belonging to Christ the Lord is the most perfect peace you can possibly experience on earth. 

***Sign the Spirit Dwells in Us

         This is a sign showing that we are temples of the Holy Spirit: We feel an unsuppressible inner urge to proclaim the gospel to everyone as Christ had instructed the eleven to before he was taken up into heaven.

***Obediance Our Foremost Goal***

        We pray "thy will be done" every time we say the Lord's Prayer. This should be our foremost goal as Christians. Not only we should pray it, but also live it!

*****Get Attached to God Alone*****

        We should attach ourselves to the Lord God alone. This is how we become free! Don't be attached to the passing world, for our final abode will be in heaven; nor to anyone else in the world either, for all present relationships last only in this life. In the next, we'll all be children before the Lord, looking the same young age forever. The Lord God is all we need to hold onto for eternal happiness.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

**Apt offering to God

         Offer your heart and soul up to the Lord to be purified and revitalized, and he'll make you anew. 

*Best Care for Us*

        Do you know that we get the best possible care in this life when we obey the Lord in all things? Certainly, our eternal future will be taken care of. Next, we'll be able to endure all the hardships and still experience freedom, peace, and joy.

**We're Not at a Disadvantage

        The Apostles followed the Lord for about three years, but we are not really at a disadvantage. We have the Scriptures and the writings of the Church Father and all the great saints, so we know just as much about the Lord, if not more. As far as knowing him personally is concerned, seeing him or not doesn't make any difference either, for the Lord transcends time and space and can communicate with us anytime anywhere.