Once in while, when something interesting happens in this world, be it spiritual or secular, I think of some loved one who has already passed away and kinda wish that the person were here to see it. Does that really matter? I know that after I am gone, there'll be many perhaps truly wonderful things happening. But for anyone who is ready to meet the Lord himself, the world is no longer interesting. In heaven, you would know what's happening on earth anyway. Knowing the Lord and starting to see things as he sees them, you lose all your attachments to the world and realize how foolish and juvenile it is to be solely interested in living in and for the world. So after you know the Lord and start living for him alone, anytime would be a good time to leave this earth.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Saturday, March 11, 2023
***Father Most Forgiving***
Today we heard the parable of the lost (prodigal) son from Luke 15 at Mass. This is very likely the best known and most moving parable of all the parables Jesus had told. The story reveals how much our heavenly Father loves us. You really have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by it. The Father is so forgiving that as long as we realize that we need to return to him, we can do no wrong. His mercy is great indeed. You really have to be the greatest idiot not to be forgiven by him.
**Infinite God Our Perfect Fit*
The Lord God is infinite and has inexhaustible riches to offer us. They are ours for the asking. How can we finite creatures not be happy with such a God who loves us so much and can satisfy our deepest desires? He is a Father who can give us good things way beyond our expectations. Personally, I am wide open and eager to receive whatever he wishes to bestow upon me in abundance.
Friday, March 10, 2023
**My Greatest Act*
Communion experience. I have found my eternal rest in Christ. Peace now reigns. I accomplished the greatest act of my life by reconciling and submitting myself to the Lord.
***Two Breakthrough Moves.
1. We realize we are sinners and need Christ to save us from sin. We then believe in him and accept him as our Lord and Savior.
2. We fall in love with Christ and wish to attain union with him, so we surrender to him completely every time we receive him in the Holy Eucharist.
***How to Stop Sinning***
Open up to Christ to experience his tremendous love for you, then you can't help but fall in love with him. Now you stop sinning because you don't ever wish to hurt your most beloved.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
**Saints vs. Evildoers (Going Separate Ways)**
The only difference between the two is the awareness that God exists and he loves us and can save us from sin. The saints have it while the evildoers don't. They now all live on the same planet, but soon they'll go their separate ways. There'll be rejoicing and lamenting. It is difficult to even think about this. The Lord is always right, yet there are those who do not believe in him. I can only pray, pray, and pray, wishing that many will wake up in their last moments before death. That's why we ask Holy Mother Mary to pray for us now and the hour of our death. I believe that this is a grace God can and does grant.
**Be like a Student
Obeying God is most meritorious while offending him earns you demerits. The Lord does keep account of what we do. Consider yourself a student going to school now. You want to be sure that you'll earn enough good grades to graduate. Be obedient to God now to receive top honors from him later.
**Balance Between Trust and Fear
We need to keep a balance between trust in God and fear of him. By fear of God, I mean the fear of offending him. Psalms 130.3: If you, LORD, keep account of sins, Lord, who can stand? Offending the Lord can be horrible. While trusting in God draws us toward him, offending him repels us from him. This balance can change though. The more you trust in the God, the less you need to be concerned about offending him. Once you attain union with God, you automatically don't wish to sin anymore.
***Our Perfect Prayer***
It is the Our Father Jesus has taught us. If we pray it truly from the heart, meaning every word we say, we become completely reconciled to God and feel his peace. The process of perfecting ourselves now begins.
***For the Rich to Enter Heaven
In Matthew 19, Jesus said to his disciples, "Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." According to one tradition, the "eye of a needle" referred to a narrow gateway into Jerusalem. A camel heavily loaded would not be able to pass through it unless it gets unloaded first. In any case, it will be harder for a rich person to enter heaven. In today's Gospel reading from Luke 16, we heard the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus. After they both died, Lazarus was comforted and the rich man in agony. It seems that for a rich person to be able to enter heaven easily, he needs to detach himself from all his possessions, to unload them, so to speak. Next, choosing to be rewarded in your next life rather than in this life can help. Last, in Luke 12 Jesus told Peter, "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much." So the richer we get, the more generous we should become to the poor. Now, love the Lord with all your heart and you should get into heaven easy.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
***Christ Is True God
The more you believe in Christ, the more you know that he is the truth. To the unbeliever, this may sound dubiously logical, but to me who experience the Lord, I know it is true only because he is true. For if you believe in something that is not true, you won't ever feel this way and at the same time experience freedom, peace, and joy. When you believe in the true God, he actually responds, revealing himself to you in the most intimate, loving way, eradicating all doubts.
***Most Selfless Sayings***
Again at Mass during the consecration of the bread and wine, Fr. Stephen used the words of Jesus said at the Last Supper:
Take this, all of you, and eat of it: For this is my body which will be given up for you.,
Take this, all of you, and drink from it: For this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.
These have to be Jesus' most selfless sayings!
**Escaping Evil*
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 20, Jesus predicted for the third time his own Passion. The chief priests and the scribes had already started plotting to kill him. If you study the history of the Church, you'll found out that she'd undergone so many horrible persecutions. Today, evil forces are so obviously trying to destroy the Church, our society, and everything else that's good. Is evil now worse than ever? That's hard to say. What we can say is that evil has always been around, battling God. And we in the midst of this must see things clearly and choose to side with God. In Matthew 12:30, Jesus said, "Whoever is not with me is against me." Not taking a stand, you fall right into your own trap and doom.
**Another Wake-up Reminder
In Matthew 19, Jesus said to his disciples, "Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life." Is there anything better to inherit than eternal life? I don't think so. If that's absolutely the most desirable and best for us, then of course we should be willing to leave all and follow Christ the Lord!
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
**All Prayers for God Alone
We pray for our own sake, but we also pray for God's sake too. If the Lord wants us to pray much, we should just do it for obedience to him. If he recommends that we say certain prayers, we should just do it without question. Come to think of it, prayer should always be for God. Praying to perfect ourselves is for God too, as our ultimate wish is to glorify God. I got it!
***Cause of My Joy
Christ is the one in whom we can rejoice forever. He is the cause of my joy. Today I feel extra joyful because I realize that my rejoicing in Christ is causing the whole heaven to be extra joyful.