As I came to know Christ the Lord more, I began to lose interest in a lot of things the world was interested in. Now I just know what I need to pay attention to or dismiss instantly. As a result, many things I no longer think about. I believe this is why I experience a lot of inner peace. Generally speaking, I no longer think about anything that is impure, worldly, trivial, or gossipy. The best part now is thinking about the Lord and his goodness.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
**Overcoming Sin
In not falling into sin, we must be relentless. Again, the most effective way to overcome a sin is to seek refuge in the Lord. That is, the smart way to fight sin is to run away from it as far and fast as possible. A sinner is just not fit to fight his own sins on his own. Letting God do it for you is always the good rule to follow.
**Taking God's Blessings Seriously
We ask God to bless us and others all the time. This is no making empty wishes. When you ask for blessings from the Lord, he's going to give you what's best for you bountifully. Things will happen in your heart and without you. You are now under his watch and care. When I bless you, I simply express my good wish. When God blesses you, your life can change! So take his blessings seriously and believe in him with all your heart.
**Foolish Cowards
Christ has died for us to save us from eternal death. People reject him, yet they never say that they don't need salvation. The fact is we all know that we are sinners, and even think about going to heaven. What we ought to do is to welcome the Savior and submit ourselves to him with gratitude. If we ignore or reject him instead, then we are not only being foolish, but also cowardly.
**More than We Need
Today I really feel that I can rest in my Lord and God after he has totally fulfilled me. My eternity is all set, and I know he'll take care of me no matter what happens. He is more than we need. Follow and stay with him and you can't possibly go wrong.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
*****Small Sins Matter*****
In Luke 16, in telling the parable of the dishonest steward Jesus said "The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones." Since it's a lot easier to commit small sins than big ones, along the same vein the Lord made me see that anyone who does not commit small sins will not commit big ones, and anyone who commits small sins easily is likely to commit big ones. Ask the Lord to make us perfect.
**Stop Destroying Yourself!
Without God, we get unhappy easily. We are anxious about many things and get stressed out all the time. We continue harming ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. With God, we enjoy our abandonment in him and experience freedom, peace, and joy. We now have the best possible physical health God wants us to have, are mentally at peace always, and remain in union spiritually with the Lord. We are no longer self-destructive!
**Much Ado About Nothing
After I consumed the Lord at morning Mass, I knelt before the altar in appreciation of such a great favor he'd bestowed upon me. One of the chapel windows was open. From this chapel situated on the top of a small mount, you could hear clearly thru the vast open space the noises generated by the tires of many cars speeding on the freeway in the distance. They were all going someplace. My thought was that if whatever we do is not for the glory of God, then no matter how fast or far we go, we are not getting anywhere—not one inch closer to heaven.
***Joyful Submission
Communion experience. I felt tangibly the love of God and gladly let myself be overcome by it.
***Signs of Intimacy with God
When the Lord God is most lovely and his words most sweet to you, you know that your relationship with God is most intimate. Rejoice even more!
***How God Makes Us Beautiful
God, being most holy, is the source of all beauty. Whereas the world can make us superficially attractive for a brief moment, the Lord God can make us beautiful to the core forever.
***The Biggest Fundamental Obstacle . . .*
to spiritual progress (sainthood) is our pride. Displace it with humility so that you may move on.
**What the World Needs to Wake Up To
I feel sorry for the world, when I see people everywhere trying to find happiness, while struggling to live each day. They, with heavily burdened hearts, have already been enslaved by the material world. Sadly, they do not yet know Christ the Lord who alone can liberate them from all evils. Once you've experienced him and tasted his sweetness, you are freed from all shackles and become a new creature. This is something to which the world needs sorely to wake up.
Monday, October 10, 2022
***Our Greatest Achievement***
It is being humbly surrendering ourselves to God completely, receiving him in the Eucharist, and attaining union with him. This is also answering our highest calling from the Lord, being totally obedient to him, and at the same time fulfilling our own deepest desire. It's really letting God achieve what he wishes.
***Our Greatest Sign
In today's Gospel reading from Luke 11, Jesus reveals to the crowd that his generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given except that of Jonah, and he himself is greater than Jonah. Yes, Christ the Son of Man is our greatest sign for all generations. I see him as the ultimate one who desires to save us from sin out of pure love. Reject him and you reject yourself, period.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
***Great Union Advantage***
One more in-union-with-God advantage. Since you are fully aware of his holy presence in you at all times, you don't even need to try getting in touch with him!
**Exuberant Filling
Communion experience I remain completely open to the Lord to let him fill me with whatever he wants me to have to the brim. What an exuberant feeling!
***In Christ We're to Trust
In today's Gospel reading from Luke 17, Jesus cleansed ten lepers by asking them to go show themselves to the priests. The cleansing took place as they were going. One of the ten, realizing that he had been healed, returned to Jesus. He fell at his feet and thanked him. Jesus said to him, "Stand up and go; your faith has saved you." When the Lord saves you, you are saved indeed. So have faith and believe in whatever he tells you, and you're saved for sure.