The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Thursday, July 7, 2022
**Another Reminder (Warning)
Today's Gospel acclamation comes from Mark 1:15. Jesus proclaimed, "The Kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe in the Gospel." Now, two thousand years later, many of us still have not heeded this advice. In general, we are as rebellious as ever, not realizing that we are the reason the spiritual warfare between good and evil is ongoing. Meanwhile, the day of our final judgment approaches.
*Christians Are like Artists
I am interested in and understand music and art in general. Some composers are more craftsmanlike than others; their compositions are cleverly worked out but lack soul—they are not truly inspired. On the other hand, the works of great composers have much inner beauty, capable of stirring the soul of the listener. Visual artists are the same. Some produce images that draw you in, while others, works so contrived or bland that are worth only a glance. Being Christian is no exception. You can superficially go thru the motion of being one without involving the heart or be genuinely living for Christ, pleasing him alone.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
*Profitable Realization
If you believe in Christ and know that you are heaven bound, then nothing in this life, good or bad, matters anymore. They are simply temporary ups and downs before you enter paradise, no big deal. This is not just simple reasoning, I am speaking from personal experience too. Of course, it'd be best that you find this out yourself.
**Experiencing a New Freedom
If you can truly forgive everyone, you'll experience a new freedom and enjoy more peace.
**Winning Strategy
We can never love God enough, so love him to the max and he'll reward you beyond your highest expectations.
***No Limit to What You Ask For
If God is willing to enter you to be in union with you, then surely you can receive all the power you need to become holy! For the Lord, nothing is impossible, and he loves to make you beautiful. So ask for all that would please him and you'll have it all!
*****Our Greatest Gift on Earth*****
Receiving the Lord in the Holy Eucharist is a privilege. It's no ordinary act. It's better that you don't receive it if you do not appreciate it. I see it as the most holy Lord willing to enter you to be one with you spiritually, and you must be ready for it. It is the Lord bringing the heavenly banquet personally to you, inviting you to live with him in heaven for all eternity. Know that the Holy Eucharist is God's greatest gift for you on earth! It is as holy as the Lord himself, for it is the Lord!
***Most Satisfying Life***
To be in full union with God is to live every single moment in the Lord. Now you know that you belong fully to him. Finding all your joy in Christ, you live the most satisfying life this side of heaven.
**Powerful Prayer Support
In making the penitential act at the beginning of Mass, we confess having sinned and ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and all our brothers and sisters present to pray for us. So, if we are ready to submit ourselves to God, imagine what all these prayers can do for us! The power of all the prayers from heaven alone should be enough to keep us from failing God again.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Highest Exaltation*****
Communion experience. First of all, the Lord has already redeemed me with his most precious blood, so I am most precious to him. Now he enters me to be one with me. Can you think of any higher exaltation? I don't think so. All in all, it's an unbelievable day!
**Double Miracles
As I received Holy Communion at Mass this morning, I encountered two great miracles simultaneously. They are Christ the Lord himself and the transformation of the bread and wine into his body and blood in the Holy Eucharist.
**Shifting Our Focus
When we face a problem, it usually gets all our attention and we easily feel the stress and lose peace in trying to solve or resolve it. Here's the superior way. Rely totally on Christ and when a problem comes up, focus on the Lord instead, trusting in his guidance and giving you the strength to deal with the problem. This way you don't ever get stressed out as you essentially let the Lord solve the problem for you.
*****Just Me and Christ*****
Without Christ, we are essentially alone. You may know a lot of people, but whom can you depend on? They will all die one day like you. I know Christ, so definitely I am not alone. I have all I need, for I can depend on him completely as my creator, my Savior, my Lord, and my God! Me and Christ, always belonging to each other!!!
Monday, July 4, 2022
**Taking God's Blessings Seriously
When Fr. Stephen ended the Mass this morning asking almighty God to bless us, it struck me that we should not take God's blessings lightly. For when God blesses us, great good things are bound to happen. This is having faith, and it's thru this faith that we get to see God's wonders.
***Bedazzled by Christ
Communion experience. Bedazzled by the beauty and majesty of the Lord, everything else faded away. He alone shines in this universe and the core of my being.
*Way of Finding Rest in God
Today is July 4th, Independence Day. It's a happy day for me, since it's the day I started attending daily Mass again at Mount St. Joseph Chapel nearby after I recovered from COVID-19. During Mass, the Lord made me see that to find rest in him, I only need to offer up all of myself—my mind, my heart, and my soul—to him. And I gladly did that.