From today's reading from Psalm 1, we have "The LORD watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked vanishes." Yes, the wicked seem to prevail over the world right now, but if they do not change their way, they will be totally driven away by the Lord in the end. They are to be pitied.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Thursday, March 17, 2022
***Sowing with the Best Return
Compared to eternity, our life on earth doesn't even last as long as the blink of an eye. But if we follow Christ the whole time on earth, our reward will be rich beyond words. Here's a case in which we sow for a short while and reap eternal life!
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
***Private Joy in God***
On earth, we face problems, whether caused by sin or not, all our lives. We get to enjoy life a bit only when we temporarily forget all the problems. So the earth can never be our paradise. But nevertheless, we can live a joyful life on earth. Get to know the God of Christ most intimately and you'll have your private joy in him at all times. This is a foretaste of heaven and you now know you are on your way to paradise.
**Our Greatest Shortcoming
Christ has to be the most under-appreciated person among us. He's all pure, selfless love, and has sacrificed himself to save us. How do we repay him? Not very well or none, I'd say. This is being grossly unfair to the only one who deserves all our love. Only because his mercy is infinite, many of us will be saved.
**Sacrifice Suggestion
It's the season of Lent. If you wish to make sacrifices to please God, may I suggest that you consider sacrificing your own ego first?
***Our Ideal Goal
Our ideal goal should be to become like Jesus. Since Jesus is willing to lay down his life for his friends, we should be willing to do that too.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Washington Corruption***
Normally, I do not want to get into politics, but this news is so shocking that the world needs to know. The pro-abortion House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, still openly claims that she is a Catholic! Washington D. C. is so corrupt that we "deserve" God's chastisement right now. I believe that the Warning as has been prophesied will happen after 2023, based upon what I have personally learned so far. Anyway, surrendering ourselves to God and praying without ceasing can change things for the better. That God will ultimately triumph is unquestionable. (This video may not last long onYouTube.)
**What Do You Not Understand?
From today's first reading from Isaiah 1, we heard "Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD. Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you." The message is clear as a bell. God can take away all our sins. If we obey him, we will live. But if we don't, we will die.
Monday, March 14, 2022
***Appreciating the Holy Eucharist***
How joyful it was for the followers of Jesus to see him again after he's risen! They couldn't help telling everyone "We have seen the Lord!" For those of us who have not seen Jesus but have received him in the Most Blessed Sacrament, we can surely proclaim "We've received the Lord!" with equal joy, if not greater!
**Returning God's Favor
Communion experience. The Lord has given all of himself to me. Such a favor is impossible for me, who is nothing, to match. All I could do is to not ever go against him. And I saw that's exactly what he desired from me.
**Another Good Feeling . . .
**God-Inspired Desire
Once you realize how beautiful God's holiness and love are, you just want to surrender yourself completely to him to let him transform you into a new creature most pleasing to him.
****Choosing How to Be Treated by God
In today's Gospel reading from Luke 6, Jesus said to his disciples, “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” Out of love, the Lord tells us exactly how we can expect to be treated by him. At the same time, he is humble enough to let us choose how we wish to be treated, as Fr. Stephen pointed out in his homily this morning.
***Healing of the Soul
We have all experienced the healing of our body, but we need to experience the healing of the soul! I experience that every time I receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist. This is healing at the spiritual level, way beyond the physical one. Physical healing makes you more fit for living in this world. It's spiritual healing that prepares you for living the everlasting life that's to come!
Sunday, March 13, 2022
*Remedy for Loneliness
There are a lot of lonely people around, especially if they live alone. But they might basically feel lonely even if they live with other people. To cure loneliness, get to know Christ dearly. Once you know that he is with you, you'll never feel lonely again, whether you are alone or not.
*Our Love like God's Love
In an earlier Fr. Mark Goring's video titled What Near Death Experience People Say is Most Important, he said that some people who died and came back described that God's love is like our human love in its purest form and infinitely greater. Perhaps it'd be more correct to say that our love is rather like God's love except that our love is less pure and is finite. This is not surprising, since we are made in God's image. So let the Lord purify and increase our love, and we should do OK.