On August 12 last year, I posted "My Funeral Wishes." Now I am posting "From My Deathbed" (not from my deathbed, not yet). Am I being morbid? No, not at all. On the contrary, I celebrate my eventual death because it is my passage to eternal life with the beloved Father in heaven! I imagine I would probably say to my loved ones standing around my bed before my departure something like this:
"Dear ones, please be happy that I am leaving for paradise. My most ardent wish is that I shall see all of you again in heaven. Life is short, so choose your destiny early. God's mercy is infinite, but you must accept it. A lukewarm faith is not good enough. Love God with all your heart so that you may not suffer eternal separation from him. Let God's love come over you so that you may experience peace, freedom, and joy ~ to this I can testify. I say all these things because I love you and because the Father loves you; I only want the best for you. Please pray for me, for yourselves, and for the world."