"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

*Mastering Our Free Will

        Each of us possesses a free will and we get to exercise it wisely or foolishly. The ultimate choice for us is whether we follow God or not. We must not let our free will get out of control. Perhaps it helps to see that the free will is just a will there free for us to steer in any direction. We are still its master, responsible for all our choices. You just can't say "My free will made me do it."

*The Way to Be Wise and Strong

        1 Corinthians 1: 25, "For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength." Anyone who thinks that he is wiser and stronger than anyone else is basically a fool and a weakling. But if he will humble and submit himself to God, he receives both God's wisdom and strength and is set free. 

***Simple Truth Difficult for Many

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 10, Martha's sister Mary sat beside Jesus at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, was not happy that her sister did not help her, and complained to the Lord about it. He said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." So we really only need to listen to Jesus speak. But this can be easily misinterpreted. If I speak the truth that I only need to trust in God, people think that I am living in a bubble or dream world and even laugh at me. This is how the world see Christians or even how some Christians see other Christians. It's a sad situation. 

***The Way to Be Free of Sin!

        From today's Psalm 130, we read "If you, O LORD, mark iniquities, LORD, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered." Because God can forgives our sins and will, if we repent, we no longer need to fear sin anymore! This is such great news and relief that we can surely rejoice about. The only alternative is to carry your iniquities all your life and die.

**Foolish, Dangerous Living

        A lot of people still hear the small voice of their conscience telling them that they should do this or not do that from time to time. But being so much enslaved by the world, they easily turn away from that voice. Unless they already worship Satan, they do not outright reject Jesus. So it's living day to day, avoiding facing the Lord. To me, this is extremely foolish, dangerous living.

**Not Belonging to This World!

         During the trial before Pilate, Pilate asked Jesus, "I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?" Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here." (John 18:35-36) For us who follow Christ, our home is not in this world either. Since we belong to Christ, our permanent home is in heaven, awaiting us now!

Monday, October 4, 2021

**Not Knowing What They Do

         I pity the evildoers, for they know not what they do. But I also feel sorry for another category of people. These may even be nice people, but just totally lack humility. They may claim that they believe in God, but live life the way they want for themselves anyway. They think they know more than God, for when they believe that what they do is the right thing, it must be all right with God. They take full charge of their own life and think that those who trust in God to provide every need is not living in reality. Obviously, they erroneously believe that trust in God means doing nothing on your own and just letting God work all the miracles for you. Anyway, these people are usually judgmental, unforgiving, and look down on other less fortunate people; they do not know what they do either. Prayer seems to be the only resort to make them see, for they wouldn't listen to anyone speaking the truth to them. Pride can be as detrimental to the soul as doing evil.

*Great Error Causing Great Sorrow

        Great error: not taking Christ seriously. Great sorrow: being cut off from God for eternity.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

***Most Special Reception***

        Today's Communion experience. I am receiving the Lord I am going to enjoy being with in heaven for all eternity! 

**A Most Special Trip

        Going to Mass is a so very special trip—you go to receive the Lord in person for him to enter you!

*Contrasty Effects

        The love of money causes us to do evil. By contrast, a pure heart enables us to preserve inner peace.

**Letting God Inspire You

        Alfred Cortot, the renowned French pianist of the the 20th century once said, "You should convey the music not just through the notes, but through some kind of inspiration drawn from its immortal spirit." This inspires me not to become a better piano player, but to become a better Christian. Imagine how the Holy Spirit of God can inspire us if we open up to him. The Lord is always yearning to be one with us; we are the ones who are usually reluctant to cooperate. So open wide to let him inspire you with his love, and you'll be filled with hope and zeal, feeling uplifted at all times. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

***Created for God*

        I do feel that there is no one in this world I can fully trust and rely upon. Close family members and friends can make me feel good to a certain degree, but ultimately, I am still alone. No so with the Lord, for I feel that he is always with and for me, warts and all. He never gives up on me as long as I live. This is exactly what we all need. We were truly created for him. 

**Best Thing for Us in This World

        Well-wishers on various occasions commonly wish others good health as if it were the most important thing for them. I suppose if you do not consider God, it is rather important. And they wish others success in whatever they do. Of course, success here usually implies making a lot of money. Then they also wish others happiness, but how do you acquire happiness? Anyway, we all more or less become worldly in this world. If I wish someone go to heaven, I am sure I would most likely offend that person. My point is that good health, becoming rich, and happiness in this world are not really the best things for us. The only thing that's truly good for us is knowing God

Friday, October 1, 2021

***Only Source of Mercy

        We can be merciful to others, but our mercy is only temporary and always limited, while God's mercy is forever and infinite. Only God can save our souls. If you need mercy, you must go to him, the God of Christ, for there is not another source besides him. 

**Our Most Urgent Task

        The reality is that we live in a sinful world and that should make fighting evil our most urgent task, for our souls are at stake! This means that we must choose God to lead us in this battle. If you don't see this, then you've already been deceived or captured by evil.

*Our Role in Serving God

        The first Joyful Mystery of today's Rosary, The Annunciation. God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary to tell her that he had chosen her to bear his only Son on earth. We must realize that as God's children, we each are given a role to play too, albeit how we are called may not be so dramatic and what we are asked to do is more ordinary. It's serving God humbly in our assigned role well that makes life meaning and helps him accomplish his plan for our good.

**Ego and Inner Peace

        As long as your ego remains active, you won't have inner peace. If you let God's will override yours, you begin to starve your ego. Once his will and your will become one, you are free and will enjoy inner peace.