"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, October 31, 2020

***Crucial Realization

         Ernesto Nazareth was a well-known Brazilian composer. He is best known for his tangos, but he also composed many waltzes, polkas, etc. The composer was regarded to be the incarnation of the Brazilian soul. Here is an intoxicating waltz titled ConfidĂȘncias. You may enjoy listening to it, but the pictures you see as you play the video have generated some thoughts I want to share with you. As you see, people dress up to look good, play the piano, listen to music, travel, go on an outing, see sights, party, dance, look for love, etc. We live in a different era, but we do many of the same things. I could add that we go to meetings at work, take vacations, attend weddings and funerals, work in the garden, socialize over the internet, etc. My thoughts are that doing all theses things without Christ is much ado about nothing—we simply go through the motion. It is crucial we realize that we are sinners and need salvation, and if we believe in Christ, we are saved for all eternity. Now, life becomes purposeful.    

*****Happy to Know My God!

        Communion experience. It's All Saints Day this Sunday and I attended Vigil Mass today. The Lord already knew me more that I knew myself. As I received the Holy Eucharist, I felt I knew the Lord now more than I knew myself! And this filled me with great joy.

***What God Expects of Us

         We sometimes feel that that we are not doing enough for God, but the Lord makes me see that he measures us by how much we live up to what he expects  of us, not by how much we live up to what we hope to achieve. He knows our capabilities thoroughly. If we can accomplish everything he expects us to accomplish, that's all he expects of us and we should be pleased.

**Importance of Humility

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 14, Jesus said, "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." Taking the Lord's saying to the extreme, everyone who lives entirely for only himself will not make heaven, but the one who lives solely for the Lord will enter heaven.

**To Be Meek and Humble

        Today's Gospel acclamation from Matthew 11: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, but I am meek and humble of heart. In our society today, we look down on those who are meek and humble of heart, yet the best way to learn to be meek and humble is to learn from someone who is meek and humble of heart. And our Lord is the most meek and humble of heart of all, for he is God. Know that the door to heaven is wide for those who are meek and humble.      

***Obeying the Lord First

           In today's first reading from Philippians 1, Paul wrote poignantly: "If I go on living in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. And I do not know which I shall choose. I am caught between the two. I long to depart this life and be with Christ, for that is far better. Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for you benefit." To depart this life to be with Christ is truly best, but obeying the Lord must come first.

***The Reset We Need

         We need to be reset by Christ our Lord, not by the global elitists who serve Satan knowingly or unknowingly. Christ is only one who can save us from sin and grant us eternal life, period. If you look elsewhere without him, you are doomed! When he resets you, you become a new creature spiritually free in him and from the world.

*Vigano's Letter to Trump Read

         I thought it would be good to hear Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump read without interruption. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

***Most Beautiful Relationship

        John 10:27, today's Gospel acclamation: My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. You are aware of the Lord's presence, hear his voice, and know what he wishes you to do every moment. You and the Lord truly know each other. He leads and you follow, inseparable as one. What a beautiful, convivial relationship!

***The Complete Vigano's Letter

        Here is Dr. Taylor Marshall going through the letter from Archbishop Vigano to President Trump. The video lasts over 47 minutes, but if you have the time, it's definitely worth watching, for you learn about the reset the globalists are pushing which will take away our liberty and is antichrist. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

**Learn All Truths from Christ

         I remember that many decades ago before I knew Christ personally, I read a book on prayer. The book told that prayer works. I thought that's good to know, but I wasn't really convinced. Today I see clearly that Jesus is all you need to know if you want to understand prayer and everything else spiritual. Know him to learn all truths from him directly. Become one with him and he will deposit all you need to know in your heart, and learning becomes effortless and a joy. Yes, you learn the sure way to get into heaven too.

**Root Yourself in the Lord First

        Today's verses from Psalm 144: Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war. My mercy and my fortress, my stronghold, my deliver, my shield, in whom I trust..." We must be rooted in the Lord God first. Then we'll know how to relate to all others and deal with all affairs properly. It's so sad to see Christians who are not rooted in Christ get easily deceived by Satan and start to believe that the good is evil and the evil, good. I actually encountered this recently. I believe that the day of justice will be here sooner than we think.

**How to Battle Against Evil

         In today's first reading from Ephesians 6, Paul advised the Ephesians to stand firm against the tactics of the Devil. He wrote, "Draw you strength from the Lord and from his mighty power." To receive strength and power fully from the Lord, we must be fully in the Lord. To be in the Lord is to be one with the Lord in union with him. Only then shill we become fearless, for Christ has replaced us in us. This should be our wish and goal.

***Justice After Mercy

           Here's is today's Fr. Mark Goring video on divine wrath. The sayings that come after 2:43 are most important for us to hear.

***What We Must Not Ignore

         We can ignore all the laws and rules made by man on earth and may lose our job, physical freedom, and at worst our earthly life because of it, but if we ignore the mercy of God, we can lose our soul forever.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

*Who Loves God More?

          It is encouraging and heartwarming to see that currently, huge crowds have been gathering at various locations nationwide to pray publicly for our country or just to worship God. Here we see mostly common people who do not know a thing about theology, spontaneously jump up and down, dance, sing and shout praises to God from their hearts. On the other hand, I think of those clerics in high places who spent years studying theology, got ordained, now garbed in vestments, teaching heresies—they basically are destroying the Church. Which group do you think loves and pleases the Lord more? 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

**Hardened Hearts

        People do not hear the Lord because they have hardened their hearts. This is a tough nut to crack. They don't hear the Lord knocking at their door. They are blind to any signs from the Lord. They have lost all humility and become completely self-insulated. These people can be Christians too. We have pro-abortion Catholics and Catholics in name only. Jesus said that to enter the kingdom of God, we need to be childlike, just the opposite of having a hardened heart. Sometimes it would take a catastrophe to crack such a hardened heart.  

***Overcoming Our Original Sin

        I started to pray the Rosary a second time this evening. Before I even finished saying the creed, the Lord made me see that we have all inherited the original sin and thus tend to sin. The only way to stop sinning is to let him take charge of us. That is, we need to surrender ourselves to him. Otherwise, we shall not be able to win our spiritual battle. This is a most clear message. Now that I have finished posting it, I am going back to my Rosary. (By the way, the extra five decades I say each day now are the Sorrowful or Glorious Mysteries because this is the time we need to suffer with the Lord and also know that his total victory over evil is assured.)