"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Planning for Eternity

        As long as things exist, eternity exists because a thing just does not appear from nothing and vanish into nothing. Even nothing is something missing ~ if everything in the universe disappears, the space left behind still exists. When I came into the world, the world was already here. When I leave, it continues to exist. Things come and go, but eternity is a reality. It follows that God must be a reality too. In fact, he is the only logical explanation for all that exists. Had absolutely nothing existed, I wouldn't be here now to talk about it. The only alternative would be that we have God existing for all eternity. The wise one is the one who makes sure that he will have life for all eternity as the soul is eternal.        

Friday, September 4, 2015

What Life Is All About

        We are to be holy so that we can save as many souls as possible for the glory of God.

Making God Number One

        Never avoid God in any way and he will be number one in your life.

When You're With God

        Communion experience. I was alone in God, with God ~ an exclusive, private, and most treasurable moment. When you are with God, he is all yours and you are his only audience!

Get Close First

        When you see Jesus, you admire him from a distance. He inspires you and you resolve to be a better person. But this won't do you any good unless you get close to him first. To progress, run to him instead and try to get inside of him so that you may get to know him. Just like watching a flying plane in the sky won't get you on that plane, you must go buy a ticket and make a reservation first. 

Again, Jesus Is Joy

        Luke 5.33-39 was today's reading at Mass. The intent of the parable in the second half of the reading wasn't that clear to me, but I learned from the first half that with Jesus, it's all joy, for he is always new! We should celebrate and rejoice when he is with us. To be in union with him is to ensure that he is with you. 

Our Proper Focus

        Today being Friday, I prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary this morning and thought of the agony Jesus experienced, the physical and mental sufferings he underwent, the insults and jeers he received, and the excruciating pain he felt on the cross ~ such sorrows were quite unbearable to meditate upon. Then the Lord made me see that all these things he willingly undertook out of love for us and this love perfectly balanced his sufferings. The work of our salvation is now accomplished and it's time for us to focus upon God's love to make his work fruitful.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tragic Time

        The tragic story of today are the millions of migrants fleeing from the wars raging in the Mideast. These people are migrating to various foreign countries to seek refuge. Along the way, thousands and thousands have perished. May God have mercy on their souls. I do believe God can right everything now if we all believe in and follow him. If we don't, then he'll have no choice but to right everything at the end, which will be a lot worse for many of us. Repent and return to God is always our calling, never more urgent than today. Our not hearing this calling is as tragic as the migrant story, or even more so.

Jesus as Light

        Communion experience. I saw Jesus as the light, expunging all darkness in me and illuminating my mind.

How the Lord Affects Us

        Today is the Memorial of St. Gregory the Great. In the Gospel reading from Luke 5, Simon and his partners in their boats had worked hard all night and caught nothing, but Jesus with them asked Simon to go lower their nets in deep water and they caught such a  great number of fish that their nets were tearing. Astonishment seized all and Simon fell at the knees of Jesus and said, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man." After seeing the wonder of Jesus, he was awed and became humble. This is how the Lord affects us. Today the wonder I experienced was again how Jesus instituted the Eucharist. Even though I did not see anything like fish being pulled out of water, I knew from the Lord's words that the bread and wine offered became his body and blood, and whoever receives them will have eternal life. I was equally awed and humbled.

Qualified to Judge

        Only he who knows the heart is qualified to judge.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Going All the Way

        Looking back on your life, you'll see a continuous series of the things you did and things that befell you. This is saying that anyone's life is a series of happenings and events. We all shall die one day, so the important question is whether we move closer to God spiritually through life. To increase our chances of being saved, we must at least make sure that we do not remain stagnant spiritually. Then why not just seek union with God now to secure your eternal life and moot the question how we should live our lives? I say, if you want to go all the way, you might as well do it the fast way. 

Serving the Wrong Master

        Today's societies are money-centered. The goal of almost everyone is to become rich, so they make money off each other and love is forgotten. In an ideal God-centered society, love would be our only motive. If we would just let love override our money-making decisions, we would have a much more peaceful world to live in. Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Let's listen to him. 

Going After Jesus

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 4 at Mass, we heard that Jesus healed Simon's mother-in-law who was afflicted with a severe fever and cured all those brought to him who were sick with various diseases. At daybreak the next day, the crowds went looking for him, and when they came to him, they tried to prevent him from leaving them. This is the Lord I also want to follow and to be with, forever. In my case, I am aware that it's his drawing that makes me want to go after him.

Awesome Holiness

        I don't dare look at God the Father, not because he is severe and might punish me, but because I am totally awed by his holiness. Nevertheless, I know that one day he will pick me up and press me against him and I'll be only aware of his love.

Endearing Love

        The Father watches over us; the Son befriends us as our way, our truth, and our life; and the Holy Spirit prepares and guides us along our journey home ~ this is how God endears himself to us.

Undiscriminating Love

        As I was praying the 3rd decade of the Holy Rosary on the Descent of the Holy Spirit, I realized that God loves us all with no discrimination and the Holy Spirit will descend upon anyone who is receptive and yearns for him. The Holy Spirit cleanses and purifies us, preparing us for dwelling in the Lord, and anything in accordance with his will becomes possible with us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

On Patience

        Earlier today I thought of the many things to be done, some more important than others, but nothing was that important. What if I die today, right? Anyhow, I thought to myself: how nice it would be to get them all done. Then immediately I realized that I was trying to play god again by wanting it my way. The right thing to do is to let go and do each thing one at a time at the appropriate time without any anxiety. Yes, patience is a virtue and a sign of holiness.