"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, January 20, 2017

*Securing Our Life for Eternity

        My thoughts turn to the human life today. As I see so many of my friends fall ill or pass away unexpectedly, I become acutely aware of how fragile our life is. Physically, we are only made of soft flesh and brittle bones. As regards our health, catching a few germs can send us straight to the emergency room. By comparison, life forms such as trees and wild animals are much tougher. Then there are accidents that can take our life by surprise. So the brief human life is both precarious and vulnerable. Under the circumstances, I see that the best we could do, which is also the least we should do, is to secure our eternal life. This is accomplished by letting Christ into our lives to be our anchor. Once we have settled our eternal destination, the fragility of our life on earth will no longer be an issue.

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